222 lines
8.6 KiB
222 lines
8.6 KiB
# Updates
Before a major version update, make a copy of this directory. (We like to
keep the old version around for a short time after major updates.) Add a
top-level attribute to `top-level/all-packages.nix`.
1. Update the URL in `pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/$VERSION/fetch.sh`.
2. From the top of the Nixpkgs tree, run
`./maintainers/scripts/fetch-kde-qt.sh > pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/$VERSION/srcs.nix`.
3. Check that the new packages build correctly.
4. Commit the changes and open a pull request.
stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, fetchFromGitHub, makeSetupHook, makeWrapper,
bison, cups ? null, harfbuzz, libGL, perl,
gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gtk3, dconf,
# options
developerBuild ? false,
decryptSslTraffic ? false,
debug ? false,
with stdenv.lib;
qtCompatVersion = srcs.qtbase.version;
stdenvActual = if stdenv.cc.isClang then llvmPackages_5.stdenv else stdenv;
mirror = "https://download.qt.io";
srcs = import ./srcs.nix { inherit fetchurl; inherit mirror; } // {
# Community port of the now unmaintained upstream qtwebkit.
qtwebkit = rec {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "qtwebkit";
repo = "qtwebkit";
rev = "qtwebkit-${version}";
sha256 = "11lc5sk10d9cyg8jqkbgkqiap72b9rax7hy61nm90zw9749y2yfg";
version = "5.212.0-alpha4";
patches = {
qtbase =
optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
++ [
# Ensure -I${includedir} is added to Cflags in pkg-config files.
# See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/52457
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-81715
# remove after updating to qt > 5.12.7
(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-qt5_make_output_file-cmake-macro.patch";
url = "https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/patch/?id=8a3fde00bf53d99e9e4853e8ab97b0e1bcf74915";
sha256 = "1gpcbdpyazdxnmldvhsf3pfwr2gjvi08x3j6rxf543rq01bp6cpx";
(fetchpatch {
name = "QTBUG-78937.patch";
url = "https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/patch/?id=67a9c600ad14ee44501a6df3509daa8234b97606";
sha256 = "1jiky1w9j8rka78r4q0yabb8w2l5j6csdjysynz7gs1ry4xjfdxd";
qtdeclarative = [ ./qtdeclarative.patch ];
qtscript = [ ./qtscript.patch ];
qtserialport = [ ./qtserialport.patch ];
qtwebengine = [
# https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/issues/707
# https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-77037
(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-build-with-pulseaudio-13.0.patch";
url = "https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/qtbug-77037-workaround.patch?h=packages/qt5-webengine&id=fc77d6b3d5ec74e421b58f199efceb2593cbf951";
sha256 = "1gv733qfdn9746nbqqxzyjx4ijjqkkb7zb71nxax49nna5bri3am";
# Fix build with bison-3.7: https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtwebengine-chromium.git/commit/?id=1a53f599
(fetchpatch {
name = "qtwebengine-bison-3.7-build.patch";
url = "https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtwebengine-chromium.git/patch/?id=1a53f599";
sha256 = "1nqpyn5fq37q7i9nasag6i14lnz0d7sld5ikqhlm8qwq9d7gbmjy";
stripLen = 1;
extraPrefix = "src/3rdparty/";
] ++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
qtwebkit = [
(fetchpatch {
name = "qtwebkit-bison-3.7-build.patch";
url = "https://github.com/qtwebkit/qtwebkit/commit/d92b11fea65364fefa700249bd3340e0cd4c5b31.patch";
sha256 = "0h8ymfnwgkjkwaankr3iifiscsvngqpwb91yygndx344qdiw9y0n";
] ++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
qttools = [ ./qttools.patch ];
qtModule =
import ../qtModule.nix
inherit perl;
inherit (stdenv) lib;
# Use a variant of mkDerivation that does not include wrapQtApplications
# to avoid cyclic dependencies between Qt modules.
mkDerivation =
import ../mkDerivation.nix
{ inherit (stdenv) lib; inherit debug; wrapQtAppsHook = null; }
{ inherit self srcs patches; };
addPackages = self: with self;
callPackage = self.newScope { inherit qtCompatVersion qtModule srcs; };
in {
mkDerivationWith =
import ../mkDerivation.nix
{ inherit (stdenv) lib; inherit debug; inherit (self) wrapQtAppsHook; };
mkDerivation = mkDerivationWith stdenvActual.mkDerivation;
qtbase = callPackage ../modules/qtbase.nix {
inherit (srcs.qtbase) src version;
patches = patches.qtbase;
inherit bison cups harfbuzz libGL;
withGtk3 = true; inherit dconf gtk3;
inherit developerBuild decryptSslTraffic;
qtcharts = callPackage ../modules/qtcharts.nix {};
qtconnectivity = callPackage ../modules/qtconnectivity.nix {};
qtdeclarative = callPackage ../modules/qtdeclarative.nix {};
qtdoc = callPackage ../modules/qtdoc.nix {};
qtgamepad = callPackage ../modules/qtgamepad.nix {};
qtgraphicaleffects = callPackage ../modules/qtgraphicaleffects.nix {};
qtimageformats = callPackage ../modules/qtimageformats.nix {};
qtlocation = callPackage ../modules/qtlocation.nix {};
qtmacextras = callPackage ../modules/qtmacextras.nix {};
qtmultimedia = callPackage ../modules/qtmultimedia.nix {
inherit gstreamer gst-plugins-base;
qtnetworkauth = callPackage ../modules/qtnetworkauth.nix {};
qtquick1 = null;
qtquickcontrols = callPackage ../modules/qtquickcontrols.nix {};
qtquickcontrols2 = callPackage ../modules/qtquickcontrols2.nix {};
qtscript = callPackage ../modules/qtscript.nix {};
qtsensors = callPackage ../modules/qtsensors.nix {};
qtserialbus = callPackage ../modules/qtserialbus.nix {};
qtserialport = callPackage ../modules/qtserialport.nix {};
qtspeech = callPackage ../modules/qtspeech.nix {};
qtsvg = callPackage ../modules/qtsvg.nix {};
qtscxml = callPackage ../modules/qtscxml.nix {};
qttools = callPackage ../modules/qttools.nix {};
qttranslations = callPackage ../modules/qttranslations.nix {};
qtvirtualkeyboard = callPackage ../modules/qtvirtualkeyboard.nix {};
qtwayland = callPackage ../modules/qtwayland.nix {};
qtwebchannel = callPackage ../modules/qtwebchannel.nix {};
qtwebengine = callPackage ../modules/qtwebengine.nix {};
qtwebglplugin = callPackage ../modules/qtwebglplugin.nix {};
qtwebkit = callPackage ../modules/qtwebkit.nix {};
qtwebsockets = callPackage ../modules/qtwebsockets.nix {};
qtwebview = callPackage ../modules/qtwebview.nix {};
qtx11extras = callPackage ../modules/qtx11extras.nix {};
qtxmlpatterns = callPackage ../modules/qtxmlpatterns.nix {};
env = callPackage ../qt-env.nix {};
full = env "qt-full-${qtbase.version}" ([
qtcharts qtconnectivity qtdeclarative qtdoc qtgamepad qtgraphicaleffects
qtimageformats qtlocation qtmultimedia qtquickcontrols qtquickcontrols2
qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qttranslations
qtvirtualkeyboard qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebkit qtwebsockets
qtwebview qtx11extras qtxmlpatterns
] ++ optional (!stdenv.isDarwin) qtwayland
++ optional (stdenv.isDarwin) qtmacextras);
qmake = makeSetupHook {
deps = [ self.qtbase.dev ];
substitutions = {
fix_qmake_libtool = ../hooks/fix-qmake-libtool.sh;
} ../hooks/qmake-hook.sh;
wrapQtAppsHook = makeSetupHook {
deps =
[ self.qtbase.dev makeWrapper ]
++ optional stdenv.isLinux self.qtwayland.dev;
} ../hooks/wrap-qt-apps-hook.sh;
self = makeScope newScope addPackages;
in self