git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs git-subtree-split: 76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2
47 lines
2.6 KiB
47 lines
2.6 KiB
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ LLVM_VERSIONS = 18 17 16 15
errifempty = $(if $(1),$(1),$(error $(2)))
detect = $(shell which $(call errifempty,$(firstword $(foreach p,$(2),$(shell command -v $(p) 2> /dev/null && echo $(p)))),failed to locate $(1) at any of: $(2)))
toolSearchPathsVersion = $(1)-$(2)
-ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)
- # Also explicitly search Brew's copy, which is not in PATH by default.
- BREW_PREFIX := $(shell brew --prefix)
- toolSearchPathsVersion += $(BREW_PREFIX)/opt/llvm@$(2)/bin/$(1)-$(2) $(BREW_PREFIX)/opt/llvm@$(2)/bin/$(1)
# First search for a custom built copy, then move on to explicitly version-tagged binaries, then just see if the tool is in path with its normal name.
findLLVMTool = $(call detect,$(1),$(abspath llvm-build/bin/$(1)) $(foreach ver,$(LLVM_VERSIONS),$(call toolSearchPathsVersion,$(1),$(ver))) $(1))
CLANG ?= $(call findLLVMTool,clang)
@@ -848,9 +843,8 @@ endif
$(GO) test ./tests/wasm
-build/release: tinygo gen-device wasi-libc $(if $(filter 1,$(USE_SYSTEM_BINARYEN)),,binaryen)
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/bin
- @mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/clang/include
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS/CMSIS
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/macos-minimal-sdk
@mkdir -p build/release/tinygo/lib/mingw-w64/mingw-w64-crt/lib-common
@@ -871,7 +865,6 @@ build/release: tinygo gen-device wasi-libc $(if $(filter 1,$(USE_SYSTEM_BINARYEN
@cp -p build/wasm-opt$(EXE) build/release/tinygo/bin
- @cp -p $(abspath $(CLANG_SRC))/lib/Headers/*.h build/release/tinygo/lib/clang/include
@cp -rp lib/CMSIS/CMSIS/Include build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS/CMSIS
@cp -rp lib/CMSIS/ build/release/tinygo/lib/CMSIS
@cp -rp lib/macos-minimal-sdk/* build/release/tinygo/lib/macos-minimal-sdk
@@ -927,8 +920,7 @@ endif
@cp -rp lib/wasi-libc/libc-top-half/musl/include build/release/tinygo/lib/wasi-libc/libc-top-half/musl
@cp -rp lib/wasi-libc/sysroot build/release/tinygo/lib/wasi-libc/sysroot
@cp -rp lib/wasi-cli/wit build/release/tinygo/lib/wasi-cli/wit
- @cp -rp llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/builtins build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt-builtins
- @cp -rp llvm-project/compiler-rt/LICENSE.TXT build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt-builtins
+ @cp -rp lib/compiler-rt-builtins build/release/tinygo/lib/compiler-rt-builtins
@cp -rp src build/release/tinygo/src
@cp -rp targets build/release/tinygo/targets