git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs git-subtree-split: 76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2
126 lines
6.5 KiB
126 lines
6.5 KiB
{ lib,
mathcomp, mathcomp-finmap, mathcomp-bigenough,
single ? false,
coqPackages, coq, version ? null }@args:
repo = "analysis";
owner = "math-comp";
release."1.5.0".sha256 = "sha256-EWogrkr5TC5F9HjQJwO3bl4P8mij8U7thUGJNNI+k88=";
release."1.4.0".sha256 = "sha256-eDggeuEU0fMK7D5FbxvLkbAgpLw5lwL/Rl0eLXAnJeg=";
release."1.2.0".sha256 = "sha256-w6BivDM4dF4Iv4rUTy++2feweNtMAJxgGExPfYGhXxo=";
release."1.1.0".sha256 = "sha256-wl4kZf4mh9zbFfGcqaFEgWRyp0Bj511F505mYodpS6o=";
release."1.0.0".sha256 = "sha256-KiXyaWB4zQ3NuXadq4BSWfoN1cIo1xiLVSN6nW03tC4=";
release."0.7.0".sha256 = "sha256-JwkyetXrFsFHqz8KY3QBpHsrkhmEFnrCGuKztcoen60=";
release."0.6.7".sha256 = "sha256-3i2PBMEwihwgwUmnS0cmrZ8s+aLPFVq/vo0aXMUaUyA=";
release."0.6.6".sha256 = "sha256-tWtv6yeB5/vzwpKZINK9OQ0yQsvD8qu9zVSNHvLMX5Y=";
release."0.6.5".sha256 = "sha256-oJk9/Jl1SWra2aFAXRAVfX7ZUaDfajqdDksYaW8dv8E=";
release."0.6.1".sha256 = "sha256-1VyNXu11/pDMuH4DmFYSUF/qZ4Bo+/Zl3Y0JkyrH/r0=";
release."0.6.0".sha256 = "sha256-0msICcIrK6jbOSiBu0gIVU3RHwoEEvB88CMQqW/06rg=";
release."0.5.3".sha256 = "sha256-1NjFsi5TITF8ZWx1NyppRmi8g6YaoUtTdS9bU/sUe5k=";
release."0.5.2".sha256 = "0yx5p9zyl8jv1vg7rgkyq8dqzkdnkqv969mi62whmhkvxbavgzbw";
release."0.5.1".sha256 = "1hnzqb1gxf88wgj2n1b0f2xm6sxg9j0735zdsv6j12hlvx5lwk68";
release."0.3.13".sha256 = "sha256-Yaztew79KWRC933kGFOAUIIoqukaZOdNOdw4XszR1Hg=";
release."0.3.10".sha256 = "sha256-FBH2c8QRibq5Ycw/ieB8mZl0fDiPrYdIzZ6W/A3pIhI=";
release."0.3.9".sha256 = "sha256-uUU9diBwUqBrNRLiDc0kz0CGkwTZCUmigPwLbpDOeg4=";
release."0.3.6".sha256 = "0g2j7b2hca4byz62ssgg90bkbc8wwp7xkb2d3225bbvihi92b4c5";
release."0.3.4".sha256 = "18mgycjgg829dbr7ps77z6lcj03h3dchjbj5iir0pybxby7gd45c";
release."0.3.3".sha256 = "1m2mxcngj368vbdb8mlr91hsygl430spl7lgyn9qmn3jykack867";
release."0.3.1".sha256 = "1iad288yvrjv8ahl9v18vfblgqb1l5z6ax644w49w9hwxs93f2k8";
release."0.2.3".sha256 = "0p9mr8g1qma6h10qf7014dv98ln90dfkwn76ynagpww7qap8s966";
defaultVersion = let inherit (lib.versions) range; in
lib.switch [ coq.version mathcomp.version ] [
{ cases = [ (range "8.19" "8.20") (range "2.1.0" "2.2.0") ]; out = "1.5.0"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.17" "8.20") (range "2.0.0" "2.2.0") ]; out = "1.1.0"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.17" "8.19") (range "1.17.0" "1.19.0") ]; out = "0.7.0"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.17" "8.18") (range "1.15.0" "1.18.0") ]; out = "0.6.7"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.17" "8.18") (range "1.15.0" "1.18.0") ]; out = "0.6.6"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.14" "8.18") (range "1.15.0" "1.17.0") ]; out = "0.6.5"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.14" "8.18") (range "1.13.0" "1.16.0") ]; out = "0.6.1"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.14" "8.18") (range "1.13" "1.15") ]; out = "0.5.2"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.13" "8.15") (range "1.13" "1.14") ]; out = "0.5.1"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.13" "8.15") (range "1.12" "1.14") ]; out = "0.3.13"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.11" "8.14") (range "1.12" "1.13") ]; out = "0.3.10"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.10" "8.12") "1.11.0" ]; out = "0.3.3"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.10" "8.11") "1.11.0" ]; out = "0.3.1"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.8" "8.11") (range "1.8" "1.10") ]; out = "0.2.3"; }
] null;
# list of analysis packages sorted by dependency order
packages = {
"classical" = [];
"reals" = [ "classical" ];
"experimental-reals" = [ "reals" ];
"analysis" = [ "reals" ];
"reals-stdlib" = [ "reals" ];
"analysis-stdlib" = [ "analysis" "reals-stdlib" ];
mathcomp_ = package: let
classical-deps = [ mathcomp.algebra mathcomp-finmap ];
experimental-reals-deps = [ mathcomp-bigenough ];
analysis-deps = [ mathcomp.field mathcomp-bigenough ];
intra-deps = lib.optionals (package != "single") (map mathcomp_ packages.${package});
pkgpath = lib.switch package [
{ case = "single"; out = "."; }
{ case = "analysis"; out = "theories"; }
{ case = "experimental-reals"; out = "experimental_reals"; }
{ case = "reals-stdlib"; out = "reals_stdlib"; }
{ case = "analysis-stdlib"; out = "analysis_stdlib"; }
] package;
pname = if package == "single" then "mathcomp-analysis-single"
else "mathcomp-${package}";
derivation = mkCoqDerivation ({
inherit version pname defaultVersion release repo owner;
namePrefix = [ "coq" "mathcomp" ];
propagatedBuildInputs =
++ lib.optionals (lib.elem package [ "classical" "single" ]) classical-deps
++ lib.optionals (lib.elem package [ "experimental-reals" "single" ]) experimental-reals-deps
++ lib.optionals (lib.elem package [ "analysis" "single" ]) analysis-deps;
preBuild = ''
cd ${pkgpath}
meta = {
description = "Analysis library compatible with Mathematical Components";
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.cohencyril ];
license = lib.licenses.cecill-c;
passthru = lib.mapAttrs (package: deps: mathcomp_ package) packages;
# split packages didn't exist before 0.6, so bulding nothing in that case
patched-derivation1 = derivation.overrideAttrs (o:
lib.optionalAttrs (o.pname != null && o.pname != "mathcomp-analysis" &&
o.version != null && o.version != "dev" && lib.versions.isLt "0.6" o.version)
{ preBuild = ""; buildPhase = "echo doing nothing"; installPhase = "echo doing nothing"; }
patched-derivation2 = patched-derivation1.overrideAttrs (o:
lib.optionalAttrs (o.pname != null && o.pname == "mathcomp-analysis" &&
o.version != null && o.version != "dev" && lib.versions.isLt "0.6" o.version)
{ preBuild = ""; }
# only packages classical and analysis existed before 1.7, so bulding nothing in that case
patched-derivation3 = patched-derivation2.overrideAttrs (o:
lib.optionalAttrs (o.pname != null && o.pname != "mathcomp-classical" && o.pname != "mathcomp-analysis" &&
o.version != null && o.version != "dev" && lib.versions.isLt "1.7" o.version)
{ preBuild = ""; buildPhase = "echo doing nothing"; installPhase = "echo doing nothing"; }
patched-derivation = patched-derivation3.overrideAttrs (o:
lib.optionalAttrs (o.version != null
&& (o.version == "dev" || lib.versions.isGe "0.3.4" o.version))
propagatedBuildInputs = o.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [ hierarchy-builder ];
in patched-derivation;
mathcomp_ (if single then "single" else "analysis")