434 lines
16 KiB
434 lines
16 KiB
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; This is the updater for recipes-archive-melpa.json
(require 'promise)
(require 'semaphore-promise)
(require 'url)
(require 'json)
(require 'cl)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'seq)
;; # Lib
(defun alist-set (key value alist)
(cons key value)
key alist)))
(defun alist-update (key f alist)
(let ((value (alist-get key alist)))
(cons key (funcall f value))
key alist))))
(defun process-promise (semaphore program &rest args)
"Generate an asynchronous process and
return Promise to resolve in that process."
(lambda (resolve reject)
(funcall resolve (apply #'promise:make-process program args))))
(defun mangle-name (s)
(if (string-match "^[a-zA-Z].*" s)
(concat "_" s)))
;; ## Shell promise + env
(defun as-string (o)
(with-output-to-string (princ o)))
(defun assocenv (env &rest namevals)
(let ((process-environment (copy-sequence env)))
(mapc (lambda (e)
(setenv (as-string (car e))
(cadr e)))
(seq-partition namevals 2))
(defun shell-promise (semaphore env script)
(lambda (resolve reject)
(let ((process-environment env))
(funcall resolve (promise:make-shell-command script))))))
;; # Updater
;; ## Previous Archive Reader
(defun previous-commit (index ename variant)
(when-let (pdesc (and index (gethash ename index)))
(when-let (desc (and pdesc (gethash variant pdesc)))
(gethash 'commit desc))))
(defun previous-sha256 (index ename variant)
(when-let (pdesc (and index (gethash ename index)))
(when-let (desc (and pdesc (gethash variant pdesc)))
(gethash 'sha256 desc))))
(defun parse-previous-archive (filename)
(let ((idx (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(loop for desc in
(let ((json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'symbol))
(json-read-file filename))
do (puthash (gethash 'ename desc)
desc idx))
;; ## Prefetcher
;; (defun latest-git-revision (url)
;; (process-promise "git" "ls-remote" url))
(defun prefetch (semaphore fetcher repo commit)
(apply 'process-promise
(pcase fetcher
("github" (list "nix-prefetch-url"
"--unpack" (concat "https://github.com/" repo "/archive/" commit ".tar.gz")))
("gitlab" (list "nix-prefetch-url"
"--unpack" (concat "https://gitlab.com/" repo "/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=" commit)))
("bitbucket" (list "nix-prefetch-hg"
(concat "https://bitbucket.com/" repo) commit))
("hg" (list "nix-prefetch-hg"
repo commit))
("git" (list "nix-prefetch-git"
"--url" repo
"--rev" commit))
(_ (throw 'unknown-fetcher fetcher))))
(lambda (res)
(pcase fetcher
("git" (alist-get 'sha256 (json-read-from-string res)))
(_ (car (split-string res)))))))
(defun source-sha (semaphore ename eprops aprops previous variant)
(let* ((fetcher (alist-get 'fetcher eprops))
(url (alist-get 'url eprops))
(repo (alist-get 'repo eprops))
(commit (gethash 'commit aprops))
(prev-commit (previous-commit previous ename variant))
(prev-sha256 (previous-sha256 previous ename variant)))
(if (and commit prev-sha256
(equal prev-commit commit))
(message "INFO: %s: re-using %s %s" ename prev-commit prev-sha256)
(promise-resolve `((sha256 . ,prev-sha256))))
(if (and commit (or repo url))
(prefetch semaphore fetcher (or repo url) commit)
(lambda (sha256)
(message "INFO: %s: prefetched repository %s %s" ename commit sha256)
`((sha256 . ,sha256)))
(lambda (err)
(message "ERROR: %s: during prefetch %s" ename err)
`((error . ,err)))))
(message "ERROR: %s: no commit information" ename)
`((error . "No commit information"))))))))
(defun source-info (recipe archive source-sha)
(let* ((esym (car recipe))
(ename (symbol-name esym))
(eprops (cdr recipe))
(aentry (gethash esym archive))
(version (and aentry (gethash 'ver aentry)))
(deps (when-let (deps (gethash 'deps aentry))
(remove 'emacs (hash-table-keys deps))))
(aprops (and aentry (gethash 'props aentry)))
(commit (gethash 'commit aprops)))
(append `((version . ,version))
(when (< 0 (length deps))
`((deps . ,(sort deps 'string<))))
`((commit . ,commit))
(defun recipe-info (recipe-index ename)
(if-let (desc (gethash ename recipe-index))
(destructuring-bind (rcp-commit . rcp-sha256) desc
`((commit . ,rcp-commit)
(sha256 . ,rcp-sha256)))
`((error . "No recipe info"))))
(defun start-fetch (semaphore recipe-index-promise recipes unstable-archive stable-archive previous)
(mapcar (lambda (entry)
(let* ((esym (car entry))
(ename (symbol-name esym))
(eprops (cdr entry))
(fetcher (alist-get 'fetcher eprops))
(url (alist-get 'url eprops))
(repo (alist-get 'repo eprops))
(unstable-aentry (gethash esym unstable-archive))
(unstable-aprops (and unstable-aentry (gethash 'props unstable-aentry)))
(unstable-commit (and unstable-aprops (gethash 'commit unstable-aprops)))
(stable-aentry (gethash esym stable-archive))
(stable-aprops (and stable-aentry (gethash 'props stable-aentry)))
(stable-commit (and stable-aprops (gethash 'commit stable-aprops)))
(unstable-shap (if unstable-aprops
(source-sha semaphore ename eprops unstable-aprops previous 'unstable)
(promise-resolve nil)))
(stable-shap (if (equal unstable-commit stable-commit)
(if stable-aprops
(source-sha semaphore ename eprops stable-aprops previous 'stable)
(promise-resolve nil)))))
(promise-all (list recipe-index-promise unstable-shap stable-shap))
(lambda (res)
(seq-let [recipe-index unstable-sha stable-sha] res
(append `((ename . ,ename))
(if-let (desc (gethash ename recipe-index))
(destructuring-bind (rcp-commit . rcp-sha256) desc
(append `((commit . ,rcp-commit)
(sha256 . ,rcp-sha256))
(when (not unstable-aprops)
(message "ERROR: %s: not in archive" ename)
`((error . "Not in archive")))))
`((error . "No recipe info")))
`((fetcher . ,fetcher))
(if (or (equal "github" fetcher)
(equal "bitbucket" fetcher)
(equal "gitlab" fetcher))
`((repo . ,repo))
`((url . ,url)))
(when unstable-aprops `((unstable . ,(source-info entry unstable-archive unstable-sha))))
(when stable-aprops `((stable . ,(source-info entry stable-archive stable-sha))))))))))
;; ## Emitter
(defun emit-json (prefetch-semaphore recipe-index-promise recipes archive stable-archive previous)
(sort recipes (lambda (a b)
(symbol-name (car a))
(symbol-name (car b)))))
archive stable-archive
(lambda (descriptors)
(message "Finished downloading %d descriptors" (length descriptors))
(let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*recipes-archive*")))
(with-current-buffer buf
;; (switch-to-buffer buf)
;; (json-mode)
(let ((json-encoding-pretty-print t)
(json-encoding-default-indentation " "))
(json-encode descriptors)))
;; ## Recipe indexer
(defun http-get (url parser)
(lambda (resolve reject)
url (lambda (status)
(funcall resolve (condition-case err
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "\n\n")
(message (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(funcall parser))
(funcall reject err))))))))
(defun json-read-buffer (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(defun error-count (recipes-archive)
(lambda (desc)
(alist-get 'error desc))
;; (error-count (json-read-buffer "recipes-archive-melpa.json"))
(defun latest-recipe-commit (semaphore repo base-rev recipe)
semaphore (assocenv process-environment
"GIT_DIR" repo
"BASE_REV" base-rev
"RECIPE" recipe)
"exec git log --first-parent -n1 --pretty=format:%H $BASE_REV -- recipes/$RECIPE"))
(defun latest-recipe-sha256 (semaphore repo base-rev recipe)
semaphore (assocenv process-environment
"GIT_DIR" repo
"BASE_REV" base-rev
"RECIPE" recipe)
"exec nix-hash --flat --type sha256 --base32 <(
git cat-file blob $(
git ls-tree $BASE_REV recipes/$RECIPE | cut -f1 | cut -d' ' -f3
(lambda (res)
(split-string res)))))
(defun index-recipe-commits (semaphore repo base-rev recipes)
(mapcar (lambda (recipe)
(latest-recipe-commit semaphore repo base-rev recipe)
(let ((sha256p (latest-recipe-sha256 semaphore repo base-rev recipe)))
(lambda (commit)
(promise-then sha256p
(lambda (sha256)
(message "Indexed Recipe %s %s %s" recipe commit sha256)
(cons recipe (cons commit sha256))))))))
(lambda (rcp-commits)
(let ((idx (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(mapc (lambda (rcpc)
(puthash (car rcpc) (cdr rcpc) idx))
(defun with-melpa-checkout (resolve)
(let ((tmpdir (make-temp-file "melpa-" t)))
(semaphore-create 1 "dummy")
(assocenv process-environment "MELPA_DIR" tmpdir)
(git init --bare
git remote add origin https://github.com/melpa/melpa.git
git fetch origin) 1>&2
echo -n $MELPA_DIR")
(lambda (dir)
(message "Created melpa checkout %s" dir)
(funcall resolve dir)))
(lambda ()
(delete-directory tmpdir t)
(message "Deleted melpa checkout %s" tmpdir)))))
(defun list-recipes (repo base-rev)
(shell-promise nil (assocenv process-environment
"GIT_DIR" repo
"BASE_REV" base-rev)
"git ls-tree --name-only $BASE_REV recipes/")
(lambda (s)
(mapcar (lambda (n)
(substring n 8))
(split-string s)))))
;; ## Main runner
(defvar recipe-indexp)
(defvar archivep)
(defun run-updater ()
(message "Turning off logging to *Message* buffer")
(setq message-log-max nil)
(setenv "GIT_ASKPASS")
(setenv "SSH_ASKPASS")
(setq process-adaptive-read-buffering nil)
;; Indexer and Prefetcher run in parallel
;; Recipe Indexer
(setq recipe-indexp
(lambda (repo)
(list-recipes repo "origin/master")
(lambda (recipe-names)
(promise:make-thread #'index-recipe-commits
;; The indexer runs on a local git repository,
;; so it is CPU bound.
;; Adjust for core count + 2
(semaphore-create 6 "local-indexer")
repo "origin/master"
;; (seq-take recipe-names 20)
(lambda (res)
(message "Indexed Recipes: %d" (hash-table-count res))
(defvar recipe-index res)
(lambda (err)
(message "ERROR: %s" err))))))
;; Prefetcher + Emitter
(setq archivep
(promise-then (promise-all
(list (http-get "https://melpa.org/recipes.json"
(lambda ()
(let ((json-object-type 'alist)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'symbol))
(http-get "https://melpa.org/archive.json"
(lambda ()
(let ((json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'symbol))
(http-get "https://stable.melpa.org/archive.json"
(lambda ()
(let ((json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'symbol))
(lambda (resolved)
(message "Finished download")
(seq-let [recipes-content archive-content stable-archive-content] resolved
;; The prefetcher is network bound, so 64 seems a good estimate
;; for parallel network connections
(promise:make-thread #'emit-json (semaphore-create 64 "prefetch-pool")
(parse-previous-archive "recipes-archive-melpa.json")))))
(lambda (buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(write-file "recipes-archive-melpa.json")))
(lambda (err)
(message "ERROR: %s" err))))
;; Shutdown routine
(lambda ()
(promise-finally archivep
(lambda ()
;; (message "Joining threads %s" (all-threads))
;; (mapc (lambda (thr)
;; (when (not (eq thr (current-thread)))
;; (thread-join thr)))
;; (all-threads))
(kill-emacs 0))))))