287 lines
10 KiB
287 lines
10 KiB
{ lib, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchpatch
, cmake, pkg-config, unzip, zlib, pcre, hdf5
, glog, boost, gflags, protobuf
, config
, enableJPEG ? true, libjpeg
, enablePNG ? true, libpng
, enableTIFF ? true, libtiff
, enableWebP ? true, libwebp
, enableEXR ? !stdenv.isDarwin, openexr, ilmbase
, enableEigen ? true, eigen
, enableOpenblas ? true, openblas, blas, lapack
, enableContrib ? true
, enableCuda ? (config.cudaSupport or false) &&
stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64, cudatoolkit
, enableUnfree ? false
, enableIpp ? false
, enablePython ? false, pythonPackages ? null
, enableGtk2 ? false, gtk2
, enableGtk3 ? false, gtk3
, enableVtk ? false, vtk
, enableFfmpeg ? false, ffmpeg
, enableGStreamer ? false, gst_all_1
, enableTesseract ? false, tesseract, leptonica
, enableTbb ? false, tbb
, enableOvis ? false, ogre
, enableGPhoto2 ? false, libgphoto2
, enableDC1394 ? false, libdc1394
, enableDocs ? false, doxygen, graphviz-nox
, AVFoundation, Cocoa, VideoDecodeAcceleration, bzip2
assert blas.implementation == "openblas" && lapack.implementation == "openblas";
assert enablePython -> pythonPackages != null;
version = "3.4.18";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-PgwAZNoPknFT0jCLt3TCzend6OYFY3iUIzDf/FptAYA=";
contribSrc = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_contrib";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-TEF/GHglOmsshlC6q4iw14ZMpvA0SaKwlidomAN+sRc=";
# Contrib must be built in order to enable Tesseract support:
buildContrib = enableContrib || enableTesseract;
useSystemProtobuf = ! stdenv.isDarwin;
# See opencv/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv.cmake
ippicv = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "32e315a5b106a7b89dbed51c28f8120a48b368b4";
sha256 = "19w9f0r16072s59diqxsr5q6nmwyz9gnxjs49nglzhd66p3ddbkp";
} + "/ippicv";
files = let name = platform : "ippicv_2019_${platform}_general_20180723.tgz"; in
if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then
{ ${name "lnx_intel64"} = "c0bd78adb4156bbf552c1dfe90599607"; }
else if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "i686-linux" then
{ ${name "lnx_ia32"} = "4f38432c30bfd6423164b7a24bbc98a0"; }
else if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-darwin" then
{ ${name "mac_intel64"} = "fe6b2bb75ae0e3f19ad3ae1a31dfa4a2"; }
throw "ICV is not available for this platform (or not yet supported by this package)";
dst = ".cache/ippicv";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/cmake/download_vgg.cmake
vgg = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "fccf7cd6a4b12079f73bbfb21745f9babcd4eb1d";
sha256 = "0r9fam8dplyqqsd3qgpnnfgf9l7lj44di19rxwbm8mxiw0rlcdvy";
files = {
"vgg_generated_48.i" = "e8d0dcd54d1bcfdc29203d011a797179";
"vgg_generated_64.i" = "7126a5d9a8884ebca5aea5d63d677225";
"vgg_generated_80.i" = "7cd47228edec52b6d82f46511af325c5";
"vgg_generated_120.i" = "151805e03568c9f490a5e3a872777b75";
dst = ".cache/xfeatures2d/vgg";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/cmake/download_boostdesc.cmake
boostdesc = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "34e4206aef44d50e6bbcd0ab06354b52e7466d26";
sha256 = "13yig1xhvgghvxspxmdidss5lqiikpjr0ddm83jsi0k85j92sn62";
files = {
"boostdesc_bgm.i" = "0ea90e7a8f3f7876d450e4149c97c74f";
"boostdesc_bgm_bi.i" = "232c966b13651bd0e46a1497b0852191";
"boostdesc_bgm_hd.i" = "324426a24fa56ad9c5b8e3e0b3e5303e";
"boostdesc_binboost_064.i" = "202e1b3e9fec871b04da31f7f016679f";
"boostdesc_binboost_128.i" = "98ea99d399965c03d555cef3ea502a0b";
"boostdesc_binboost_256.i" = "e6dcfa9f647779eb1ce446a8d759b6ea";
"boostdesc_lbgm.i" = "0ae0675534aa318d9668f2a179c2a052";
dst = ".cache/xfeatures2d/boostdesc";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/face/CMakeLists.txt
face = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "8afa57abc8229d611c4937165d20e2a2d9fc5a12";
sha256 = "061lsvqdidq9xa2hwrcvwi9ixflr2c2lfpc8drr159g68zi8bp4v";
files = {
"face_landmark_model.dat" = "7505c44ca4eb54b4ab1e4777cb96ac05";
dst = ".cache/data";
# See opencv/cmake/OpenCVDownload.cmake
installExtraFiles = extra : with lib; ''
mkdir -p "${extra.dst}"
'' + concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name : md5 : ''
ln -s "${extra.src}/${name}" "${extra.dst}/${md5}-${name}"
'') extra.files);
opencvFlag = name: enabled: "-DWITH_${name}=${printEnabled enabled}";
printEnabled = enabled : if enabled then "ON" else "OFF";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "opencv";
inherit version src;
postUnpack = lib.optionalString buildContrib ''
cp --no-preserve=mode -r "${contribSrc}/modules" "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/opencv_contrib"
# Ensures that we use the system OpenEXR rather than the vendored copy of the source included with OpenCV.
patches = [
# This prevents cmake from using libraries in impure paths (which
# causes build failure on non NixOS)
# Also, work around https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26304 with
# what appears to be some stray headers in dnn/misc/tensorflow
# in contrib when generating the Python bindings:
postPatch = ''
sed -i '/Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_LIBRARY/,/^\s*$/{d}' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i -e 's|if len(decls) == 0:|if len(decls) == 0 or "opencv2/" not in hdr:|' ./modules/python/src2/gen2.py
preConfigure =
lib.optionalString enableIpp (installExtraFiles ippicv) + (
lib.optionalString buildContrib ''
${installExtraFiles vgg}
${installExtraFiles boostdesc}
${installExtraFiles face}
postConfigure = ''
[ -e modules/core/version_string.inc ]
echo '"(build info elided)"' > modules/core/version_string.inc
buildInputs =
[ zlib pcre hdf5 glog boost gflags ]
++ lib.optional useSystemProtobuf protobuf
++ lib.optional enablePython pythonPackages.python
++ lib.optional enableGtk2 gtk2
++ lib.optional enableGtk3 gtk3
++ lib.optional enableVtk vtk
++ lib.optional enableJPEG libjpeg
++ lib.optional enablePNG libpng
++ lib.optional enableTIFF libtiff
++ lib.optional enableWebP libwebp
++ lib.optionals enableEXR [ openexr ilmbase ]
++ lib.optional enableFfmpeg ffmpeg
++ lib.optionals (enableFfmpeg && stdenv.isDarwin)
[ VideoDecodeAcceleration bzip2 ]
++ lib.optionals enableGStreamer (with gst_all_1; [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base ])
++ lib.optional enableOvis ogre
++ lib.optional enableGPhoto2 libgphoto2
++ lib.optional enableDC1394 libdc1394
++ lib.optional enableEigen eigen
++ lib.optional enableOpenblas openblas
# There is seemingly no compile-time flag for Tesseract. It's
# simply enabled automatically if contrib is built, and it detects
# tesseract & leptonica.
++ lib.optionals enableTesseract [ tesseract leptonica ]
++ lib.optional enableTbb tbb
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ bzip2 AVFoundation Cocoa VideoDecodeAcceleration ]
++ lib.optionals enableDocs [ doxygen graphviz-nox ];
propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optional enablePython pythonPackages.numpy
++ lib.optional enableCuda cudatoolkit;
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config unzip ];
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optionalString enableEXR "-I${ilmbase.dev}/include/OpenEXR";
# Configure can't find the library without this.
OpenBLAS_HOME = lib.optionalString enableOpenblas openblas;
cmakeFlags = [
"-DBUILD_PROTOBUF=${printEnabled (!useSystemProtobuf)}"
"-DPROTOBUF_UPDATE_FILES=${printEnabled useSystemProtobuf}"
"-DOPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=${printEnabled enableUnfree}"
"-DBUILD_DOCS=${printEnabled enableDocs}"
(opencvFlag "IPP" enableIpp)
(opencvFlag "TIFF" enableTIFF)
(opencvFlag "WEBP" enableWebP)
(opencvFlag "JPEG" enableJPEG)
(opencvFlag "PNG" enablePNG)
(opencvFlag "OPENEXR" enableEXR)
(opencvFlag "CUDA" enableCuda)
(opencvFlag "CUBLAS" enableCuda)
(opencvFlag "TBB" enableTbb)
] ++ lib.optionals enableCuda [
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
] ++ lib.optionals enablePython [
] ++ lib.optionals enableEigen [
# Autodetection broken by https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/13337
postBuild = lib.optionalString enableDocs ''
make doxygen
# By default $out/lib/pkgconfig/opencv.pc looks something like this:
# prefix=/nix/store/10pzq1a8fkh8q4sysj8n6mv0w0nl0miq-opencv-3.4.1
# exec_prefix=${prefix}
# libdir=${exec_prefix}//nix/store/10pzq1a8fkh8q4sysj8n6mv0w0nl0miq-opencv-3.4.1/lib
# ...
# Libs: -L${exec_prefix}//nix/store/10pzq1a8fkh8q4sysj8n6mv0w0nl0miq-opencv-3.4.1/lib ...
# Note that ${exec_prefix} is set to $out but that $out is also appended to
# ${exec_prefix}. This causes linker errors in downstream packages so we strip
# of $out after the ${exec_prefix} prefix:
postInstall = ''
sed -i "s|{exec_prefix}/$out|{exec_prefix}|" \
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" "relro" ];
passthru = lib.optionalAttrs enablePython { pythonPath = []; };
meta = with lib; {
description = "Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms";
homepage = "https://opencv.org/";
license = with licenses; if enableUnfree then unfree else bsd3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [mdaiter basvandijk];
platforms = with platforms; linux ++ darwin;