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111 lines
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This file is for options that NixOS and nix-darwin have in common.
Platform-specific code is in the respective default.nix files.
{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (lib)
cfg = config.services.hercules-ci-agent;
inherit (import ./settings.nix { inherit pkgs lib; }) format settingsModule;
imports = [
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "extraOptions" ] [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "settings" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "baseDirectory" ] [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "settings" "baseDirectory" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "concurrentTasks" ] [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "settings" "concurrentTasks" ])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "hercules-ci-agent" "patchNix" ] "Nix versions packaged in this version of Nixpkgs don't need a patched nix-daemon to work correctly in Hercules CI Agent clusters.")
options.services.hercules-ci-agent = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable to run Hercules CI Agent as a system service.
[Hercules CI](https://hercules-ci.com) is a
continuous integation service that is centered around Nix.
Support is available at [help@hercules-ci.com](mailto:help@hercules-ci.com).
package = mkPackageOption pkgs "hercules-ci-agent" { };
settings = mkOption {
description = ''
These settings are written to the `agent.toml` file.
Not all settings are listed as options, can be set nonetheless.
For the exhaustive list of settings, see <https://docs.hercules-ci.com/hercules-ci/reference/agent-config/>.
type = types.submoduleWith { modules = [ settingsModule ]; };
Internal and/or computed values.
These are written as options instead of let binding to allow sharing with
default.nix on both NixOS and nix-darwin.
tomlFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
internal = true;
defaultText = lib.literalMD "generated `hercules-ci-agent.toml`";
description = ''
The fully assembled config file.
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
# Make sure that nix.extraOptions does not override trusted-users
assertions = [
assertion =
(cfg.settings.nixUserIsTrusted or false) ->
builtins.match ".*(^|\n)[ \t]*trusted-users[ \t]*=.*" config.nix.extraOptions == null;
message = ''
hercules-ci-agent: Please do not set `trusted-users` in `nix.extraOptions`.
The hercules-ci-agent module by default relies on `nix.settings.trusted-users`
to be effectful, but a line like `trusted-users = ...` in `nix.extraOptions`
will override the value set in `nix.settings.trusted-users`.
Instead of setting `trusted-users` in the `nix.extraOptions` string, you should
set an option with additive semantics, such as
- the NixOS option `nix.settings.trusted-users`, or
- the Nix option in the `extraOptions` string, `extra-trusted-users`
nix.extraOptions = ''
# A store path that was missing at first may well have finished building,
# even shortly after the previous lookup. This *also* applies to the daemon.
narinfo-cache-negative-ttl = 0
services.hercules-ci-agent = {
tomlFile =
format.generate "hercules-ci-agent.toml" cfg.settings;
settings.config._module.args = {
packageOption = options.services.hercules-ci-agent.package;
inherit pkgs;