Default email 7e47f3658e Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: 1925c603f17fc89f4c8f6bf6f631a802ad85d784
2024-09-26 11:04:55 +00:00

202 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p gitMinimal curl gnupg nix-prefetch-git nixfmt-rfc-style
# shellcheck disable=SC2206,SC2207 shell=bash
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
#TODO: Use `jq` instead of `sed`.
#TODO: Accept the small security drawback and make this script runnable by r-ryantm.
# This script expects to be called in an interactive terminal somewhere inside Nixpkgs.
echo "Preparing..."
nixpkgs=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
rm -rf /tmp/xenUpdateScript
mkdir /tmp/xenUpdateScript
# Import and verify PGP key.
curl --silent --output /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen.asc
gpg --homedir /tmp/xenUpdateScript/.gnupg --quiet --import /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen.asc
fingerprint="$(gpg --homedir /tmp/xenUpdateScript/.gnupg --with-colons --fingerprint "" 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '/^pub:.*/ { getline; print $10}')"
echo -e "Please ascertain through multiple external sources that the \e[1;32mXen Project PGP Key Fingerprint\e[0m is indeed \e[1;33m$fingerprint\e[0m. If that is not the case, \e[1;31mexit immediately\e[0m."
read -r -p $'Press \e[1;34menter\e[0m to continue with a pre-filled expected fingerprint, or input an arbitrary PGP fingerprint to match with the key\'s fingerprint: ' userInputFingerprint
# Clone xen.git.
echo -e "Cloning \e[1;34mxen.git\e[0m..."
git clone --quiet /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
cd /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
# Get list of versions and branches.
versionList="$(git tag --list "RELEASE-*" | sed s/RELEASE-//g | sed s/ | sort --numeric-sort)"
latestVersion=$(echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | tail --lines=1)
branchList=($(echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | sed s/\.[0-9]*$//g | awk '!seen[$0]++'))
# Figure out which versions we're actually going to install.
minSupportedBranch="$(grep " minSupportedVersion = " "$xenPath"/generic/default.nix | sed s/' minSupportedVersion = "'//g | sed s/'";'//g)"
supportedBranches=($(for version in "${branchList[@]}"; do if [ "$(printf '%s\n' "$minSupportedBranch" "$version" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "$minSupportedBranch" ]; then echo "$version"; fi; done))
supportedVersions=($(for version in "${supportedBranches[@]}"; do echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "$version" | tail --lines=1; done))
echo -e "\e[1mNOTE\e[0m: As we're also pre-fetching the submodules, QEMU and OVMF may take a very long time to fetch."
# Main loop that installs every supportedVersion.
for version in "${supportedVersions[@]}"; do
echo -e "\n------------------------------------------------"
if [[ "$version" == "$latestVersion" ]]; then
echo -e "\nFound \e[1;34mlatest\e[0m release: \e[1;32mXen $version\e[0m in branch \e[1;36m$branch\e[0m."
echo -e "\nFound \e[1;33msecurity-supported\e[0m release: \e[1;32mXen $version\e[0m in branch \e[1;36m$branch\e[0m."
# Verify PGP key automatically. If the fingerprint matches what the user specified, or the default fingerprint, then we consider it trusted.
cd /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
if [[ "$fingerprint" = "$userInputFingerprint" ]]; then
echo "$fingerprint:6:" | gpg --homedir /tmp/xenUpdateScript/.gnupg --quiet --import-ownertrust
(git verify-tag RELEASE-"$version" 2>/dev/null && echo -e "\n\e[1;32mSuccessfully authenticated Xen $version.\e[0m") || (echo -e "\e[1;31merror:\e[0m Unable to verify tag \e[1;32mRELEASE-$version\e[0m.\n- It is possible that \e[1;33mthis script has broken\e[0m, the Xen Project has \e[1;33mcycled their PGP keys\e[0m, or a \e[1;31msupply chain attack is in progress\e[0m.\n\n\e[1;31mPlease update manually.\e[0m" && exit 1)
echo -e "\e[1;31merror:\e[0m Unable to verify \e[1;\e[0m's fingerprint.\n- It is possible that \e[1;33mthis script has broken\e[0m, the Xen Project has \e[1;33mcycled their PGP keys\e[0m, or an \e[1;31mimpersonation attack is in progress\e[0m.\n\n\e[1;31mPlease update manually.\e[0m" && exit 1
git switch --quiet --detach RELEASE-"$version"
# Originally we told people to go check the Makefile themselves.
echo -e -n "\nDetermining source versions from Xen Makefiles..."
qemuVersion="$(grep "QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
seaBIOSVersion="$(grep "SEABIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= rel-" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"SEABIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
ovmfVersion="$(grep "OVMF_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"OVMF_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
miniOSVersion="$(grep "MINIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"MINIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
ipxeVersion="$(grep "IPXE_GIT_TAG :=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/tools/firmware/etherboot/Makefile | sed s/"IPXE_GIT_TAG := "//g)"
echo "done!"
# Use `nix-prefetch-git` to fetch `rev`s and `hash`es.
echo "Pre-fetching sources and determining hashes..."
echo -e -n " \e[1;32mXen\e[0m..."
fetchXen=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev RELEASE-"$version" --quiet)
finalVersion="$(echo "$fetchXen" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
hash="$(echo "$fetchXen" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m..."
fetchQEMU=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$qemuVersion" --quiet --fetch-submodules)
finalQEMUVersion="$(echo "$fetchQEMU" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
qemuHash="$(echo "$fetchQEMU" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m..."
fetchSeaBIOS=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$seaBIOSVersion" --quiet)
finalSeaBIOSVersion="$(echo "$fetchSeaBIOS" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
seaBIOSHash="$(echo "$fetchSeaBIOS" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m..."
ovmfHash="$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$ovmfVersion" --quiet --fetch-submodules | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'",'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m..."
ipxeHash="$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$ipxeVersion" --quiet | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'",'//g)"
echo "done!"
cd "$xenPath"
echo -e "\nFound the following revisions:\n \e[1;32mXen\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$hash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalQEMUVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$qemuHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalSeaBIOSVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$seaBIOSHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m: \e[1;33m$ovmfVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$ovmfHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m: \e[1;33m$ipxeVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$ipxeHash\e[0m)"
# Set OCaml Version
read -r -p $'\nEnter the corresponding \e[1;33mOCaml\e[0m version for \e[1;32mXen '"$version"$'\e[0m, or press \e[1;34menter\e[0m for the default value of \e[1;32m4_14\e[0m: ' ocamlVersion
mkdir -p "$branch"/
rm -f "$branch"/default.nix
# Prepare any .patch files that are called by Nix through a path value.
echo -e "\nPlease add any required patches to version \e[1;32m$branch\e[0m in \e[1;34m$branch/\e[0m, and press \e[1;34menter\e[0m when done."
read -r -p $'Remember to follow the naming specification as defined in \e[1;34m./\e[0m.'
echo -e "\nDiscovering patches..."
discoveredXenPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-xen-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredQEMUPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-qemu-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredSeaBIOSPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-seabios-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredOVMFPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-ovmf-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredIPXEPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-ipxe-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredXenPatchesEcho=${discoveredXenPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredQEMUPatchesEcho=${discoveredQEMUPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredSeaBIOSPatchesEcho=${discoveredSeaBIOSPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredOVMFPatchesEcho=${discoveredOVMFPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredIPXEPatchesEcho=${discoveredIPXEPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
echo -e "Found the following patches:\n \e[1;32mXen\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredXenPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredQEMUPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredSeaBIOSPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredOVMFPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredIPXEPatchesEcho\e[0m"
# Prepare patches that are called in ./patches.nix.
defaultPatchListInit=("QUBES_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS" "XSA_460" "XSA_461" )
read -r -a defaultPatchList -p $'\nWould you like to override the \e[1;34mupstreamPatches\e[0m list for \e[1;32mXen '"$version"$'\e[0m? If no, press \e[1;34menter\e[0m to use the default patch list: [ \e[1;34m'"${defaultPatchListInit[*]}"$' \e[0m]: '
# Write and format default.nix file.
echo -e -n "\nWriting updated \e[1;34mversionDefinition\e[0m..."
cat >"$branch"/default.nix <<EOF
upstreamPatches = import ../generic/patches.nix {
inherit lib;
inherit fetchpatch;
upstreamPatchList = lib.lists.flatten (with upstreamPatches; [
callPackage (import ../generic/default.nix {
pname = "xen";
branch = "$branch";
version = "$version";
latest = $latest;
pkg = {
xen = {
rev = "$finalVersion";
hash = "$hash";
patches = [ $discoveredXenPatches ] ++ upstreamPatchList;
qemu = {
rev = "$finalQEMUVersion";
hash = "$qemuHash";
patches = [ $discoveredQEMUPatches ];
seaBIOS = {
rev = "$finalSeaBIOSVersion";
hash = "$seaBIOSHash";
patches = [ $discoveredSeaBIOSPatches ];
ovmf = {
rev = "$ovmfVersion";
hash = "$ovmfHash";
patches = [ $discoveredOVMFPatches ];
ipxe = {
rev = "$ipxeVersion";
hash = "$ipxeHash";
patches = [ $discoveredIPXEPatches ];
}) ({ ocamlPackages = ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_$ocamlVersion; } // genericDefinition)
echo done!
echo -n "Formatting..."
nixfmt "$branch"/default.nix
echo done!
echo -e "\n\e[1;32mSuccessfully produced $branch/default.nix.\e[0m"
echo -e -n "\nCleaning up..."
rm -rf /tmp/xenUpdateScript
echo done!