77 lines
2.1 KiB
77 lines
2.1 KiB
{ lib
, aws-sdk-cpp
, boehmgc
, callPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchurl
, fetchpatch
, Security
, storeDir ? "/nix/store"
, stateDir ? "/nix/var"
, confDir ? "/etc"
boehmgc-nix_2_3 = boehmgc.override { enableLargeConfig = true; };
boehmgc-nix = boehmgc-nix_2_3.overrideAttrs (drv: {
# Part of the GC solution in https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/4944
patches = (drv.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./patches/boehmgc-coroutine-sp-fallback.patch ];
aws-sdk-cpp-nix = (aws-sdk-cpp.override {
apis = [ "s3" "transfer" ];
customMemoryManagement = false;
}).overrideDerivation (args: {
patches = (args.patches or [ ]) ++ [ ./patches/aws-sdk-cpp-TransferManager-ContentEncoding.patch ];
common = args:
(import ./common.nix ({ inherit lib fetchFromGitHub; } // args))
inherit Security storeDir stateDir confDir;
boehmgc = boehmgc-nix;
aws-sdk-cpp = aws-sdk-cpp-nix;
in lib.makeExtensible (self: {
nix_2_3 = (common rec {
version = "2.3.16";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://nixos.org/releases/nix/nix-${version}/nix-${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "sha256-fuaBtp8FtSVJLSAsO+3Nne4ZYLuBj2JpD2xEk7fCqrw=";
}).override { boehmgc = boehmgc-nix_2_3; };
nix_2_4 = common {
version = "2.4";
sha256 = "sha256-op48CCDgLHK0qV1Batz4Ln5FqBiRjlE6qHTiZgt3b6k=";
# https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/5537
patches = [ ./patches/install-nlohmann_json-headers.patch ];
nix_2_5 = common {
version = "2.5.1";
sha256 = "sha256-GOsiqy9EaTwDn2PLZ4eFj1VkXcBUbqrqHehRE9GuGdU=";
# https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/5536
patches = [ ./patches/install-nlohmann_json-headers.patch ];
nix_2_6 = common {
version = "2.6.1";
sha256 = "sha256-E9iQ7f+9Z6xFcUvvfksTEfn8LsDfzmwrcRBC//5B3V0=";
stable = self.nix_2_6;
unstable = lib.lowPrio (common rec {
version = "2.7";
suffix = "pre20220221_${lib.substring 0 7 src.rev}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nix";
rev = "caf51729450d4c57d48ddbef8e855e9bf65f8792";
sha256 = "sha256-2fbza6fWPjyTyVEqWIp0jk/Z4epjSDe1u4lbEu+v7Iw=";