81 lines
2.3 KiB
Common Lisp
81 lines
2.3 KiB
Common Lisp
(defpackage org.lispbuilds.nix/nix
(:documentation "Utilities for generating Nix code")
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :str)
(:import-from :ppcre)
(:import-from :arrow-macros :->>)
(:import-from :org.lispbuilds.nix/util :replace-regexes)
(in-package org.lispbuilds.nix/nix)
;; Path names are alphanumeric and can include the symbols +-._?= and
;; must not begin with a period.
(defun make-pname (string)
(replace-regexes '("^[.]" "[^a-zA-Z0-9+-._?=]")
'("_" "_")
(defun system-master (system)
(first (str:split "/" system)))
;;;; Nix generation
(defun nix-eval (exp)
(assert (consp exp))
(ecase (car exp)
(:string (nix-string (cadr exp)))
(:list (apply #'nix-list (rest exp)))
(:funcall (apply #'nix-funcall (rest exp)))
(:attrs (nix-attrs (cdr exp)))
(:merge (apply #'nix-merge (cdr exp)))
(:symbol (nix-symbol (cadr exp)))))
(defun nix-string (object)
(format nil "\"~a\"" object))
(defun nixify-symbol (string)
(flet ((fix-special-chars (str)
(replace-regexes '("[+]$" "[+][/]" "[+]" "[.]" "[/]")
'("_plus" "_plus/" "_plus_" "_dot_" "_slash_")
(if (ppcre:scan "^[0-9]" string)
(str:concat "_" (fix-special-chars string))
(fix-special-chars string))))
(defun nix-symbol (object)
(nixify-symbol (format nil "~a" object)))
(defun nix-list (&rest things)
(format nil "[ ~{~A~^ ~} ]" (mapcar 'nix-eval things)))
(defvar *nix-attrs-depth* 0)
(defun nix-attrs (keyvals)
(let ((*nix-attrs-depth* (1+ *nix-attrs-depth*)))
(->> "{~%*depth*~{~{~A = ~A;~}~^~%*depth*~}~%*depth-1*}"
(str:replace-all "*depth*" (str:repeat *nix-attrs-depth* " "))
(str:replace-all "*depth-1*" (str:repeat (1- *nix-attrs-depth*) " ")))
(mapcar (lambda (keyval)
(let ((key (car keyval))
(val (cadr keyval)))
(list (nix-symbol key)
(nix-eval val))))
(defun nix-funcall (fun &rest args)
(format nil "(~a ~{~a~^ ~})"
(nixify-symbol fun)
(mapcar 'nix-eval args)))
(defun nix-merge (a b)
(format nil "(~a // ~b)"
(nix-eval a)
(nix-eval b)))