321 lines
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321 lines
17 KiB
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, pkgs }:
# This attrset can in theory be computed automatically, but for that to work nicely we need
# import-from-derivation to work properly. Currently it's rather ugly when we try to bootstrap
# a stdenv out of something like this. With some care we can probably get rid of this, but for
# now it's staying here.
versions = {
"osx-10.12.6" = {
xnu = "3789.70.16";
libiconv = "50";
Libnotify = "165.20.1";
objc4 = "709.1";
dyld = "433.5";
CommonCrypto = "60092.50.5";
copyfile = "138";
ppp = "838.50.1";
libclosure = "67";
Libinfo = "503.50.4";
Libsystem = "1238.60.2";
removefile = "45";
libresolv = "64";
libplatform = "126.50.8";
mDNSResponder = "765.50.9";
libutil = "47.30.1";
libunwind = "35.3";
Libc = "1158.50.2";
dtrace = "209.50.12";
libpthread = "218.60.3";
hfs = "366.70.1";
"osx-10.11.6" = {
PowerManagement = "572.50.1";
dtrace = "168";
xnu = "3248.60.10";
libpthread = "138.10.4";
libiconv = "44";
Libnotify = "150.40.1";
objc4 = "680";
eap8021x = "222.40.1";
dyld = "360.22";
architecture = "268";
CommonCrypto = "60075.50.1";
copyfile = "127";
Csu = "85";
ppp = "809.50.2";
libclosure = "65";
Libinfo = "477.50.4";
Libsystem = "1226.10.1";
removefile = "41";
libresolv = "60";
# Their release page is a bit of a mess here, so I'm going to lie a bit and say this version
# is the right one, even though it isn't. The version I have here doesn't appear to be linked
# to any OS releases, but Apple also doesn't mention mDNSResponder from 10.11 to 10.11.6, and
# neither of those versions are publicly available.
libplatform = "125";
mDNSResponder = "625.41.2";
# IOKit contains a set of packages with different versions, so we don't have a general version
IOKit = "";
libutil = "43";
libunwind = "35.3";
Librpcsvc = "26";
developer_cmds= "62";
network_cmds = "481.20.1";
basic_cmds = "55";
adv_cmds = "163";
file_cmds = "264.1.1";
shell_cmds = "187";
system_cmds = "550.6";
diskdev_cmds = "593";
top = "108";
text_cmds = "99";
"osx-10.11.5" = {
Libc = "1082.50.1"; # 10.11.6 still unreleased :/
"osx-10.10.5" = {
adv_cmds = "158";
CF = "1153.18";
ICU = "531.48";
libdispatch = "442.1.4";
Security = "57031.40.6";
IOAudioFamily = "203.3";
IOFireWireFamily = "458";
IOFWDVComponents = "207.4.1";
IOFireWireAVC = "423";
IOFireWireSBP2 = "427";
IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport = "251.0.1";
IOGraphics = "485.40.1";
IOHIDFamily = "606.40.1";
IONetworkingFamily = "101";
IOSerialFamily = "74.20.1";
IOStorageFamily = "182.1.1";
IOBDStorageFamily = "14";
IOCDStorageFamily = "51";
IODVDStorageFamily = "35";
IOKitUser = "1050.20.2";
"osx-10.9.5" = {
launchd = "842.92.1";
libauto = "185.5";
Libc = "997.90.3"; # We use this, but not from here
Libsystem = "1197.1.1";
Security = "55471.14.18";
security_dotmac_tp = "55107.1";
IOStorageFamily = "172";
"osx-10.8.5" = {
configd = "453.19";
Libc = "825.40.1";
IOUSBFamily = "630.4.5";
"osx-10.8.4" = {
IOUSBFamily = "560.4.2";
"osx-10.7.4" = {
Libm = "2026";
"osx-10.6.2" = {
CarbonHeaders = "18.1";
"osx-10.5.8" = {
adv_cmds = "119";
"dev-tools-7.0" = {
bootstrap_cmds = "93";
"dev-tools-5.1" = {
bootstrap_cmds = "86";
"dev-tools-3.2.6" = {
bsdmake = "24";
fetchApple' = pname: version: sha256: let
# When cross-compiling, fetchurl depends on libiconv, resulting
# in an infinite recursion without this. It's not clear why this
# worked fine when not cross-compiling
fetch = if pname == "libiconv"
then stdenv.fetchurlBoot
else fetchurl;
in fetch {
url = "https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/${pname}/archive/refs/tags/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
inherit sha256;
fetchApple = sdkName: sha256: pname: let
version = versions.${sdkName}.${pname};
in fetchApple' pname version sha256;
appleDerivation'' = stdenv: pname: version: sdkName: sha256: attrs: stdenv.mkDerivation ({
inherit pname version;
src = if attrs ? srcs then null else (fetchApple' pname version sha256);
enableParallelBuilding = true;
# In rare cases, APPLE may drop some headers quietly on new release.
doInstallCheck = attrs ? appleHeaders;
passAsFile = [ "appleHeaders" ];
installCheckPhase = ''
cd $out/include
result=$(diff -u "$appleHeadersPath" <(find * -type f | sort) --label "Listed in appleHeaders" --label "Found in \$out/include" || true)
if [ -z "$result" ]; then
echo "Apple header list is matched."
echo >&2 "\
Apple header list is inconsistent, please ensure no header file is unexpectedly dropped.
exit 1
} // attrs // {
meta = (with lib; {
platforms = platforms.darwin;
license = licenses.apsl20;
}) // (attrs.meta or {});
IOKitSpecs = {
IOAudioFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-frs2pm2OpGUOz68ZXsjktlyHlgn5oXM+ltbmAf//Cio=";
IOFireWireFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-V9fNeo/Wj9dm1/XM4hkOInnMk01M6c9QSjJs5zJKB60=";
IOFWDVComponents = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-KenCX9C/Z2ErUK8tpKpm65gEmhn2NsXFxlzK7NKomaI=";
IOFireWireAVC = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-Gd8+PK/mk+xEXgF8dGAx+3jsXv4NX1GiBFyjyrf6sTo=";
IOFireWireSBP2 = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-Z3nP8pX1YG4Fbt7MrnqO06ihE9aYOex5Eib/rqOpoPk=";
IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-zdYE0UCKiVhDRGdWaH8L51ArbYTnsQOmcN/OMmpNdFA=";
IOGraphics = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-lXoW4sx3pyl5fg5Qde3sQi2i8rTLnpeCdDaTHjbfaMI=";
IOHIDFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-b+S1p3p5d8olYE18VrBns4euerVINaQSFEp34sko5rM=";
IONetworkingFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-NOpFOBKS6iwFj9DJxduZYZfZJuhDyBQw2QMKHbu7j40=";
IOSerialFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-hpYrgXsuTul4CYoYIjQjerfvQRqISM2tCcfVXlnjbZo=";
IOStorageFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.9.5" "sha256-CeA4rHUrBKHsDeJU9ssIY9LQwDw09a+vQUyruosaLKA=";
IOBDStorageFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-gD52RKXGKWGga/QGlutxsgsPNSN6gcRfFQRT8v51N3E=";
IOCDStorageFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-+nyqH6lMPmIkDLYXNVSeR4vBYS165oyJx+DkCkKOGRg=";
IODVDStorageFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-Jy3UuRzdd0bBdhJgI/f8vLXh2GdGs1RVN3G2iEs86kQ=";
# There should be an IOStreamFamily project here, but they haven't released it :(
IOUSBFamily = fetchApple "osx-10.8.5" "sha256-FwgGoP97Sj47VGXMxbY0oUugKf7jtxAL1RzL6+315cU="; # This is from 10.8 :(
IOUSBFamily_older = fetchApple "osx-10.8.4" "sha256-5apCsqtHK0EC8x1uPTTll43x69eal/nsokfS80qLlxs=" "IOUSBFamily"; # This is even older :(
IOKitUser = fetchApple "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-3UHM3g91v4RugmONbM+SAPr1SfoUPY3QPcTwTpt+zuY=";
# There should be an IOVideo here, but they haven't released it :(
IOKitSrcs = lib.mapAttrs (name: value: if lib.isFunction value then value name else value) IOKitSpecs;
# darwin package set
macosPackages_11_0_1 = import ./macos-11.0.1.nix { inherit applePackage'; };
developerToolsPackages_11_3_1 = import ./developer-tools-11.3.1.nix { inherit applePackage'; };
applePackage' = namePath: version: sdkName: sha256:
pname = builtins.head (lib.splitString "/" namePath);
appleDerivation' = stdenv: appleDerivation'' stdenv pname version sdkName sha256;
appleDerivation = appleDerivation' stdenv;
callPackage = self.newScope { inherit appleDerivation' appleDerivation; };
in callPackage (./. + "/${namePath}");
applePackage = namePath: sdkName: sha256: let
pname = builtins.head (lib.splitString "/" namePath);
version = versions.${sdkName}.${pname};
in applePackage' namePath version sdkName sha256;
# Only used for bootstrapping. It’s convenient because it was the last version to come with a real makefile.
adv_cmds-boot = applePackage "adv_cmds/boot.nix" "osx-10.5.8" "sha256-/OJLNpATyS31W5nWfJgSVO5itp8j55TRwG57/QLT5Fg=" {};
developerToolsPackages_11_3_1 // macosPackages_11_0_1 // {
# TODO: shorten this list, we should cut down to a minimum set of bootstrap or necessary packages here.
inherit (adv_cmds-boot) ps locale;
architecture = applePackage "architecture" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-cUKeMx6mOAxBSRHIdfzsrR65Qv86m7+20XvpKqVfwVI=" {};
bsdmake = applePackage "bsdmake" "dev-tools-3.2.6" "sha256-CW8zP5QZMhWTGp+rhrm8oHE/vSLsRlv1VRAGe1OUDmI=" {};
CarbonHeaders = applePackage "CarbonHeaders" "osx-10.6.2" "sha256-UNaHvxzYzEBnYYuoMLqWUVprZa6Wqn/3XleoSCco050=" {};
CommonCrypto = applePackage "CommonCrypto" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-FLgODBrfv+XsGaAjddncYAm/BIJJYw6LcwX/z7ncKFM=" {};
configd = applePackage "configd" "osx-10.8.5" "sha256-6I3FWNjTgds5abEcZrD++s9b+P9a2+qUf8KFAb72DwI=" {
Security = applePackage "Security/boot.nix" "osx-10.9.5" "sha256-7qr0IamjCXCobIJ6V9KtvbMBkJDfRCy4C5eqpHJlQLI=" {};
copyfile = applePackage "copyfile" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-uHqLFOIpXK+n0RHyOZzVsP2DDZcFDivKCnqHBaXvHns=" {};
Csu = applePackage "Csu" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-h6a/sQMEVeFxKNWAPgKBXjWhyL2L2nvX9BQUMaTQ6sY=" {};
dtrace = applePackage "dtrace" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-Icr22ozixHquI0kRB2XZ+LlxD6V46sJHsHy4L/tDXZg=" {};
dyld = applePackage "dyld" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-JmKnOZtBPf96zEx7vhYHLBSTOPyKN71IdYE3R0IeJww=" {};
eap8021x = applePackage "eap8021x" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-54P3+YhVhOanoZQoqswDnr/GbR/AdEERse135nyuIQo=" {};
IOKit = applePackage "IOKit" "osx-10.11.6" "" { inherit IOKitSrcs; };
launchd = applePackage "launchd" "osx-10.9.5" "sha256-dmV0UK7hG9wvTr+F4Z47nCFXcVZCV+cQ46WbE0DBtJs=" {};
libauto = applePackage "libauto" "osx-10.9.5" "sha256-GnRcKq8jRbEsI/PSDphwUjWtpEIEcnLlQL9yxYLgSsU=" {};
Libc = applePackage "Libc" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-LSsL7S3KFgGU9qjK4atu/4wBh8ftgfsk6JOvg+ZTZOY=" {
Libc_10-9 = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "apple-oss-distributions";
repo = "Libc";
rev = "Libc-997.90.3";
hash = "sha256-B18RNO+Rai5XE52TKdJV7eknosTZ+bRERkiU12d/kPU=";
Libc_old = applePackage "Libc/825_40_1.nix" "osx-10.8.5" "sha256-JvPSY7FzraGpqF/jYLfhU2o/2195NuKrXsryYfVtx3s=" {};
libclosure = applePackage "libclosure" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-L5rQ+UBpf3B+W1U+gZKk7fXulslHsc8lxnCsplV+nr0=" {};
libdispatch = applePackage "libdispatch" "osx-10.10.5" "sha256-jfAEk0OLrJa9AIZVikIoHomd+l+4rCfc320Xh50qK5M=" {};
libiconv = applePackage "libiconv" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-ZzPFkchK3EU95UQUVVrR0t8iilhi/VnIkjjtP6KT2oI=" {};
Libinfo = applePackage "Libinfo" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-6F7wiwerv4nz/xXHtp1qCHSaFzZgzcRN+jbmXA5oWOQ=" {};
Libm = applePackage "Libm" "osx-10.7.4" "sha256-KjMETfT4qJm0m0Ux/F6Rq8bI4Q4UVnFx6IKbKxXd+Es=" {};
Libnotify = applePackage "Libnotify" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-6wvMBxAUfiYcQtmlfYCj1d3kFmFM/jdboTd7hRvi3e4=" {};
libplatform = applePackage "libplatform" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-6McMTjw55xtnCsFI3AB1osRagnuB5pSTqeMKD3gpGtM=" {};
libpthread = applePackage "libpthread" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-QvJ9PERmrCWBiDmOWrLvQUKZ4JxHuh8gS5nlZKDLqE8=" {};
libresolv = applePackage "libresolv" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-FtvwjJKSFX6j9APYPC8WLXVOjbHLZa1Gcoc8yxLy8qE=" {};
Libsystem = applePackage "Libsystem" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-zvRdCP//TjKCGAqm/5nJXPppshU1cv2fg/L/yK/olGQ=" {};
libutil = applePackage "libutil" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-4PFuk+CTLwvd/Ll9GLBkiIM0Sh/CVaiKwh5m1noheRs=" {};
libunwind = applePackage "libunwind" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-CC0sndP/mKYe3dZu3v7fjuDASV4V4w7dAcnWMvpoquE=" {};
mDNSResponder = applePackage "mDNSResponder" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-ddZr6tropkpdMJhq/kUlm3OwO8b0yxtkrMpwec8R4FY=" {};
objc4 = applePackage "objc4" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-ZsxRpdsfv3Dxs7yBBCkjbKXKR6aXwkEpxc1XYXz7ueM=" {};
ppp = applePackage "ppp" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-M1zoEjjeKIDUEP6ACbpUJk3OXjobw4g/qzUmxGdX1J0=" {};
removefile = applePackage "removefile" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-UpNk27kGXnZss1ZXWVJU9jLz/NW63ZAZEDLhyCYoi9M=" {};
xnu = if stdenv.isx86_64 then
applePackage "xnu" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-C8TPQlUT3RbzAy8YnZPNtr70hpaVG9Llv0h42s3NENI=" {
python3 = pkgs.buildPackages.buildPackages.python3; # TODO(@Ericson2314) this shouldn't be needed.
else macosPackages_11_0_1.xnu;
hfs = applePackage "hfs" "osx-10.12.6" "sha256-eGi18HQFJrU5UHoBOE0LqO5gQ0xOf8+OJuAWQljfKE4=" {};
Librpcsvc = applePackage "Librpcsvc" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-YHbGws901xONzAbo6sB5zSea4Wp0sgYUJ8YgwVfWxnE=" {};
adv_cmds = applePackage "adv_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-Ztp8ALWcviEpthoiY8ttWzGI8OcsLzsULjlqe8GIzw8=" {};
basic_cmds = applePackage "basic_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-BYPPTg4/7x6RPs0WwwQlkNiZxxArV+7EVe6bM+a/I6Q=" {};
developer_cmds = applePackage "developer_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-h0wMVlS6QdRvKOVJ74W9ziHYGApjvnk77AIR6ukYBRo=" {};
diskdev_cmds = applePackage "diskdev_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-VX+hcZ7JhOA8EhwLloPlM3Yx79RXp9OYHV9Mi10uw3Q=" {
macosPackages_11_0_1 = macosPackages_11_0_1;
network_cmds = if stdenv.isx86_64 then
applePackage "network_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-I89CLIswGheewOjiNZwQTgWvWbhm0qtB5+KUqzxnQ5M=" {}
else macosPackages_11_0_1.network_cmds;
file_cmds = applePackage "file_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-JYy6HwmultKeZtLfaysbsyLoWg+OaTh7eJu54JkJC0Q=" {};
shell_cmds = applePackage "shell_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-kmEOprkiJGMVcl7yHkGX8ymk/5KjE99gWuF8j2hK5hY=" {};
system_cmds = applePackage "system_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-KBdGlHeXo2PwgRQOOeElJ1RBqCY1Tdhn5KD42CMhdzI=" {};
text_cmds = applePackage "text_cmds" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-KSebU7ZyUsPeqn51nzuGNaNxs9pvmlIQQdkWXIVzDxw=" {};
top = applePackage "top" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-jbz64ODogtpNyLpXGSZj1jCBdFPVXcVcBkL1vc7g5qQ=" {};
PowerManagement = applePackage "PowerManagement" "osx-10.11.6" "sha256-bYGtYnBOcE5W03AZzfVTJXPZ6GgryGAMt/LgLPxFkVk=" {};
# `configdHeaders` can’t use an override because `pkgs.darwin.configd` on aarch64-darwin will
# be replaced by SystemConfiguration.framework from the macOS SDK.
configdHeaders = applePackage "configd" "osx-10.8.5" "sha256-6I3FWNjTgds5abEcZrD++s9b+P9a2+qUf8KFAb72DwI=" {
headersOnly = true;
Security = null;
libutilHeaders = pkgs.darwin.libutil.override { headersOnly = true; };
hfsHeaders = pkgs.darwin.hfs.override { headersOnly = true; };
libresolvHeaders= pkgs.darwin.libresolv.override { headersOnly = true; };
# TODO(matthewbauer):
# To be removed, once I figure out how to build a newer Security version.
Security = applePackage "Security/boot.nix" "osx-10.9.5" "sha256-7qr0IamjCXCobIJ6V9KtvbMBkJDfRCy4C5eqpHJlQLI=" {};