We now use a stub configuration to kick off the pipeline, which is dynamically generated using Nix config.
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79 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Luke Granger-Brown <depot@lukegb.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }@args:
inherit (builtins) foldl' mapAttrs;
baseModule = name: { ... }: {
_module.args = args // {
rebuilder = rebuilder name;
systemFor = systemName: config:
(depot.third_party.nixeval {
system = builtins.currentSystem;
modules = [ (baseModule systemName) (args: { imports = [ lib/common.nix config ]; }) ];
systems = [
rebuilder = system: (import ./lib/rebuilder.nix (args // { system = system; }));
systemCfgs = lib.genAttrs systems
(name: import (./. + "/${name}"));
evaledSystems = mapAttrs systemFor systemCfgs;
systemDrvs = mapAttrs (_: sys: sys.config.system.build.toplevel) evaledSystems;
systemTailscaleIPs = lib.mapAttrs' (n: v: lib.nameValuePair v [n]) (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: v != null) (mapAttrs (_: sys: sys.config.my.ip.tailscale) evaledSystems));
systemExporters = let
exportersForSystem = sysName: sys: let
mkExporter = exporterName: exporterPort: let jobName = "${sysName}/exporters/${exporterName}"; in lib.nameValuePair jobName {
job_name = jobName;
static_configs = [{
targets = ["${sysName}:${toString exporterPort}"];
labels = {
system = sysName;
exporter = exporterName;
stockExporters = lib.mapAttrsToList (exporterName: exporter: mkExporter exporterName exporter.port) (lib.filterAttrs (exporterName: exporter: exporterName != "snmp" && exporter.enable) sys.config.services.prometheus.exporters);
customExporters = lib.mapAttrsToList mkExporter sys.config.my.prometheus.additionalExporterPorts;
stockExporters ++ customExporters;
builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList exportersForSystem evaledSystems));
netbootSystem = systemFor "netboot" (import ./netboot);
installcdSystem = systemFor "installcd" (import ./installcd);
in systemDrvs // {
systems = systemDrvs;
systemConfigs = evaledSystems;
systemExporters = systemExporters;
tailscaleIPs = systemTailscaleIPs;
netboot = netbootSystem.config.system.build.pixiecore;
installcd = installcdSystem.config.system.build.isoImage;
systemPathJSON = pkgs.writeText "systems.json" (builtins.toJSON systemDrvs);