781 lines
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781 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.copybara;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.copybara.GeneralOptions.OUTPUT_ROOT_FLAG;
import static com.google.copybara.util.FileUtil.CopySymlinkStrategy.FAIL_OUTSIDE_SYMLINKS;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Splitter;
import com.google.common.base.Verify;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap;
import com.google.copybara.Destination.DestinationStatus;
import com.google.copybara.Destination.Writer;
import com.google.copybara.DestinationEffect.Type;
import com.google.copybara.Origin.Baseline;
import com.google.copybara.Origin.Reader;
import com.google.copybara.Origin.Reader.ChangesResponse;
import com.google.copybara.TransformWork.ResourceSupplier;
import com.google.copybara.authoring.Author;
import com.google.copybara.authoring.Authoring;
import com.google.copybara.exception.CannotResolveRevisionException;
import com.google.copybara.exception.ChangeRejectedException;
import com.google.copybara.exception.EmptyChangeException;
import com.google.copybara.exception.RepoException;
import com.google.copybara.exception.ValidationException;
import com.google.copybara.monitor.EventMonitor;
import com.google.copybara.monitor.EventMonitor.ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent;
import com.google.copybara.monitor.EventMonitor.ChangeMigrationStartedEvent;
import com.google.copybara.profiler.Profiler;
import com.google.copybara.profiler.Profiler.ProfilerTask;
import com.google.copybara.util.DiffUtil;
import com.google.copybara.util.DiffUtil.DiffFile;
import com.google.copybara.util.FileUtil;
import com.google.copybara.util.Glob;
import com.google.copybara.util.InsideGitDirException;
import com.google.copybara.util.console.AnsiColor;
import com.google.copybara.util.console.Console;
import com.google.copybara.util.console.PrefixConsole;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.PathMatcher;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Runs a single migration step for a {@link Workflow}, using its configuration.
public class WorkflowRunHelper<O extends Revision, D extends Revision> {
private final Workflow<O, D> workflow;
private final Path workdir;
private final O resolvedRef;
private final Origin.Reader<O> originReader;
protected final Destination.Writer<D> writer;
@Nullable final String rawSourceRef;
private final Consumer<ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent> migrationFinishedMonitor;
Workflow<O, D> workflow,
Path workdir,
O resolvedRef,
Reader<O> originReader,
Writer<D> destinationWriter,
@Nullable String rawSourceRef,
Consumer<ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent> migrationFinishedMonitor) {
this.workflow = checkNotNull(workflow);
this.workdir = checkNotNull(workdir);
this.resolvedRef = checkNotNull(resolvedRef);
this.originReader = checkNotNull(originReader);
this.writer = checkNotNull(destinationWriter);
this.rawSourceRef = rawSourceRef;
this.migrationFinishedMonitor = checkNotNull(migrationFinishedMonitor);
public Consumer<ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent> getMigrationFinishedMonitor() {
return migrationFinishedMonitor;
* origin_files used for this workflow
protected Glob getOriginFiles(){
return workflow.getOriginFiles();
ChangeMigrator<O, D> getMigratorForChange(Change<?> change)
throws RepoException, ValidationException {
return getMigratorForChangeAndWriter(change, writer);
ChangeMigrator<O, D> getMigratorForChangeAndWriter(Change<?> change, Writer<D> writer)
throws ValidationException, RepoException {
return new ChangeMigrator<>(workflow, workdir, originReader, writer, resolvedRef, rawSourceRef,
* Get a default migrator for the current writer
ChangeMigrator<O, D> getDefaultMigrator() {
return new ChangeMigrator<>(workflow, workdir, originReader, writer, resolvedRef, rawSourceRef,
public Profiler profiler() {
return workflow.profiler();
protected Path getWorkdir() {
return workdir;
O getResolvedRef() {
return resolvedRef;
* Authoring configuration.
Authoring getAuthoring() {
return workflow.getAuthoring();
String getChangeMessage(String message) {
return workflow.getWorkflowOptions().forcedChangeMessage == null
? message
: workflow.getWorkflowOptions().forcedChangeMessage;
public Author getFinalAuthor(Author author) {
return workflowOptions().forcedAuthor == null ? author : workflowOptions().forcedAuthor;
* Console to use for printing messages.
Console getConsole() {
return workflow.getConsole();
* Options that change how workflows behave.
WorkflowOptions workflowOptions() {
return workflow.getWorkflowOptions();
boolean isForce() {
return workflow.isForce();
private boolean isInitHistory() {
return workflow.isInitHistory();
boolean isSquashWithoutHistory() {
return workflow.getWorkflowOptions().squashSkipHistory;
Destination<?> getDestination() {
return workflow.getDestination();
Origin.Reader<O> getOriginReader() {
return originReader;
Destination.Writer<D> getDestinationWriter() {
return writer;
boolean destinationSupportsPreviousRef() {
return writer.supportsHistory();
void maybeValidateRepoInLastRevState(@Nullable Metadata metadata) throws RepoException,
ValidationException, IOException {
if (!workflow.isCheckLastRevState() || isForce()) {
() -> {
O lastRev =
workflow.getGeneralOptions().repoTask("get_last_rev", this::maybeGetLastRev);
if (lastRev == null) {
// Not the job of this function to check for lastrev status.
return null;
Change<O> change = originReader.change(lastRev);
Changes changes = new Changes(ImmutableList.of(change), ImmutableList.of());
// Create a new writer so that state is not shared with the regular writer.
// The current writer might have state from previous migrations, etc.
ChangeMigrator<O, D> migrator =
getMigratorForChangeAndWriter(change, workflow.createDryRunWriter(resolvedRef));
try {
() ->
// We pass lastRev as the lastRev. This is not correct but we cannot
// know the previous rev of the last rev. Furthermore, this should only
// be used for generating messages, so users shouldn't care about the
// value (but they might care about its presence, so it cannot be null.
new PrefixConsole(
"Validating last migration: ", workflow.getConsole()),
metadata == null
? new Metadata(
change.getMessage(), change.getAuthor(),
: metadata,
/*destinationBaseline=*/ null,
throw new ValidationException(
"Migration of last-rev '"
+ lastRev.asString()
+ "' didn't"
+ " result in an empty change. This means that the result change of that"
+ " migration was modified ouside of Copybara or that new changes happened"
+ " later in the destination without using Copybara. Use --force if you"
+ " really want to do the migration.");
} catch (EmptyChangeException ignored) {
// EmptyChangeException ignored
return null;
ChangesResponse<O> getChanges(@Nullable O from, O to) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
try (ProfilerTask ignore = workflow.profiler().start("get_changes")) {
return originReader.changes(from, to);
* Migrate a change for a workflow. Can overwrite the reader, writer, transformations, etc.
public static class ChangeMigrator<O extends Revision, D extends Revision> {
private final Workflow<O, D> workflow;
private final Path workdir;
private final O resolvedRef;
private final Reader<O> reader;
private final Writer<D> writer;
private final String rawSourceRef;
private final Consumer<ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent> migrationFinishedMonitor;
ChangeMigrator(Workflow<O, D> workflow, Path workdir, Reader<O> reader,
Writer<D> writer, O resolvedRef, @Nullable String rawSourceRef,
Consumer<ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent> migrationFinishedMonitor) {
this.workflow = checkNotNull(workflow);
this.workdir = checkNotNull(workdir);
this.resolvedRef = checkNotNull(resolvedRef);
this.reader = checkNotNull(reader);
this.writer = checkNotNull(writer);
this.rawSourceRef = rawSourceRef;
this.migrationFinishedMonitor = checkNotNull(migrationFinishedMonitor);
* Return true if this change can be skipped because it would generate a noop in the
* destination.
* <p>First we check if the change contains the files of the change and if they match
* origin_files. Then we also check for potential changes in the config for configs that are
* stored in the origin.
final boolean skipChange(Change<?> currentChange) {
boolean skipChange = shouldSkipChange(currentChange);
if (skipChange) {
workflow.getConsole().verboseFmt("Skipped change %s as it would create an empty result.",
return skipChange;
* Returns true iff the given change should be skipped based on the origin globs and flags
* provided.
final boolean shouldSkipChange(Change<?> currentChange) {
if (workflow.isMigrateNoopChanges()) {
return false;
// We cannot know the files included. Try to migrate then.
if (currentChange.getChangeFiles() == null) {
return false;
PathMatcher pathMatcher = getOriginFiles().relativeTo(Paths.get("/"));
for (String changedFile : currentChange.getChangeFiles()) {
if (pathMatcher.matches(Paths.get("/" + changedFile))) {
return false;
// This is an heuristic for cases where the Copybara configuration is stored in the same
// folder as the origin code but excluded.
// The config root can be a subfolder of the files as seen by the origin. For example:
// admin/copy.bara.sky could be present in the origin as root/admin/copy.bara.sky.
// This might give us some false positives but they would be noop migrations.
for (String changesFile : currentChange.getChangeFiles()) {
for (String configPath : getConfigFiles()) {
if (changesFile.endsWith(configPath)) {
.infoFmt("Migrating %s because %s config file changed at that revision",
currentChange.getRevision().asString(), changesFile);
return false;
return true;
protected Set<String> getConfigFiles() {
return workflow.configPaths();
protected Glob getOriginFiles() {
return workflow.getOriginFiles();
protected Glob getDestinationFiles() {
return workflow.getDestinationFiles();
protected Transformation getTransformation() {
return workflow.getTransformation();
protected Transformation getReverseTransformForCheck() {
return workflow.getReverseTransformForCheck();
public final Profiler profiler() {
return workflow.profiler();
* Performs a full migration, including checking out files from the origin, deleting excluded
* files, transforming the code, and writing to the destination. This writes to the destination
* exactly once.
* @param rev revision to the version which will be written to the destination
* @param lastRev last revision that was migrated
* @param processConsole console to use to print progress messages
* @param metadata metadata of the change to be migrated
* @param changes changes included in this migration
* @param destinationBaseline it not null, use this baseline in the destination
* @param changeIdentityRevision the revision to be used for computing the change identity
final ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> migrate(
O rev,
@Nullable O lastRev,
Console processConsole,
Metadata metadata,
Changes changes,
@Nullable Baseline<O> destinationBaseline,
@Nullable O changeIdentityRevision)
throws IOException, RepoException, ValidationException {
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> effects = ImmutableList.of();
try {
workflow.eventMonitor().onChangeMigrationStarted(new ChangeMigrationStartedEvent());
effects =
rev, lastRev, processConsole, metadata, changes, destinationBaseline,
} catch (EmptyChangeException empty) {
effects =
new DestinationEffect(
String.format("Cannot migrate revisions [%s]: %s",
? "Unknown"
: Joiner.on(", ").join(changes.getCurrent().stream()
.map(c -> c.getRevision().asString())
/*destinationRef=*/ null));
throw empty;
} catch (ValidationException | IOException | RepoException | RuntimeException e) {
boolean userError = e instanceof ValidationException;
effects =
new DestinationEffect(
userError ? Type.ERROR : Type.TEMPORARY_ERROR,
"Errors happened during the migration",
/*destinationRef=*/ null,
ImmutableList.of(e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : e.toString())));
throw e;
} finally {
try {
if (!workflow.getGeneralOptions().dryRunMode) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("after_migration")) {
effects = workflow.runHooks(effects, workflow.getAfterMigrationActions(),
// Only do this once for all the actions
// Only do this once for all the actions
} else if (!workflow.getAfterMigrationActions().isEmpty()) {
"Not calling 'after_migration' actions because of %s mode",
} finally {
migrationFinishedMonitor.accept(new ChangeMigrationFinishedEvent(effects));
return effects;
private boolean showDiffInOrigin(O rev, @Nullable O lastRev, Console processConsole)
throws RepoException, ChangeRejectedException {
if (!workflow.getWorkflowOptions().diffInOrigin
|| workflow.getMode() == WorkflowMode.CHANGE_REQUEST
|| workflow.getMode() == WorkflowMode.CHANGE_REQUEST_FROM_SOT
|| lastRev == null) {
return false;
String diff = workflow.getOrigin().showDiff(lastRev, rev);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String line : Splitter.on('\n').split(diff)) {
if (line.startsWith("+")) {
sb.append(processConsole.colorize(AnsiColor.GREEN, line));
} else if (line.startsWith("-")) {
sb.append(processConsole.colorize(AnsiColor.RED, line));
} else {
if (!processConsole.promptConfirmation(String.format("Continue to migrate with '%s' to "
+ "%s?", workflow.getMode(), workflow.getDestination().getType()))){
processConsole.warn("Migration aborted by user.");
throw new ChangeRejectedException(
"User aborted execution: did not confirm diff in origin changes.");
return true;
private ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> doMigrate(
O rev,
@Nullable O lastRev,
Console processConsole,
Metadata metadata,
Changes changes,
@Nullable Baseline<O> destinationBaseline,
@Nullable O changeIdentityRevision)
throws IOException, RepoException, ValidationException {
Path checkoutDir = workdir.resolve("checkout");
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("prepare_workdir")) {
processConsole.progress("Cleaning working directory");
if (Files.exists(workdir)) {
processConsole.progress("Checking out the change");
boolean isShowDiffInOrigin = showDiffInOrigin(rev, lastRev, processConsole);
checkout(rev, processConsole, checkoutDir, "origin.checkout");
Path originCopy = null;
if (getReverseTransformForCheck() != null) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("reverse_copy")) {
workflow.getConsole().progress("Making a copy or the workdir for reverse checking");
originCopy = Files.createDirectories(workdir.resolve("origin"));
try {
FileUtil.copyFilesRecursively(checkoutDir, originCopy, FAIL_OUTSIDE_SYMLINKS);
} catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
throw new ValidationException(String.format(""
+ "Failed to perform reversible check of transformations due to symlink '%s' "
+ "that points outside the checkout dir. Consider removing this symlink from "
+ "your origin_files or, alternatively, set reversible_check = False in your "
+ "workflow.", e.getFile()), e
// Lazy loading to avoid running afoul of checks unless the instance is actually used.
LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> originApi = c -> reader.getFeedbackEndPoint(c);
LazyResourceLoader<Endpoint> destinationApi = c-> writer.getFeedbackEndPoint(c);
ResourceSupplier<DestinationReader> destinationReader = () ->
writer.getDestinationReader(workflow.getConsole(), destinationBaseline, workdir);
TransformWork transformWork =
new TransformWork(
new MigrationInfo(workflow.getRevIdLabel(), writer),
/*ignoreNoop=*/ false,
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("transforms")) {
if (getReverseTransformForCheck() != null) {
workflow.getConsole().progress("Checking that the transformations can be reverted");
Path reverse;
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("reverse_copy")) {
reverse = Files.createDirectories(workdir.resolve("reverse"));
try {
FileUtil.copyFilesRecursively(checkoutDir, reverse, FAIL_OUTSIDE_SYMLINKS);
} catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
throw new ValidationException(""
+ "Failed to perform reversible check of transformations due to a symlink that "
+ "points outside the checkout dir. Consider removing this symlink from your "
+ "origin_files or, alternatively, set reversible_check = False in your "
+ "workflow.", e
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("reverse_transform")) {
new TransformWork(
new MigrationInfo(/*originLabel=*/ null, null),
/*ignoreNoop=*/ false,
() -> DestinationReader.NOT_IMPLEMENTED));
String diff;
try {
diff = new String(DiffUtil.diff(originCopy, reverse, workflow.isVerbose(),
} catch (InsideGitDirException e) {
throw new ValidationException(String.format(
"Cannot use 'reversible_check = True' because Copybara temporary directory (%s) is"
+ " inside a git directory (%s). Please remove the git repository or use %s"
+ " flag.", e.getPath(), e.getGitDirPath(), OUTPUT_ROOT_FLAG));
if (!diff.trim().isEmpty()) {
workflow.getConsole().error("Non reversible transformations:\n"
+ DiffUtil.colorize(workflow.getConsole(), diff));
throw new ValidationException(
String.format("Workflow '%s' is not reversible", workflow.getName()));
.progress("Checking that destination_files covers all files in transform result");
new ValidateDestinationFilesVisitor(getDestinationFiles(), checkoutDir)
// TODO(malcon): Pass metadata object instead
TransformResult transformResult =
new TransformResult(
if (destinationBaseline != null) {
transformResult = transformResult.withBaseline(destinationBaseline.getBaseline());
if (workflow.isSmartPrune() && workflow.getWorkflowOptions().canUseSmartPrune()) {
ValidationException.checkCondition(destinationBaseline.getOriginRevision() != null,
"smart_prune is not compatible with %s flag for now",
Path baselineWorkdir = Files.createDirectories(workdir.resolve("baseline"));
PrefixConsole baselineConsole = new PrefixConsole("Migrating baseline for diff: ",
checkout(destinationBaseline.getOriginRevision(), baselineConsole, baselineWorkdir,
TransformWork baselineTransformWork =
new TransformWork(
// We don't care about the message or author and this guarantees that it will
// work with the transformations
// We don't care about the changes that are imported.
new MigrationInfo(workflow.getRevIdLabel(), writer),
// Doesn't guarantee that we will not run a ignore_noop = False core.transform but
// reduces the chances.
// Again, we don't care about this
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start("baseline_transforms")) {
try {
ImmutableList<DiffFile> affectedFiles = DiffUtil
.diffFiles(baselineWorkdir, checkoutDir, workflow.getGeneralOptions().isVerbose(),
transformResult = transformResult.withAffectedFilesForSmartPrune(affectedFiles);
} catch (InsideGitDirException e) {
throw new ValidationException("Error computing diff for smart_prune: " + e.getMessage(),
transformResult = transformResult
.withIdentity(workflow.getMigrationIdentity(changeIdentityRevision, transformWork));
ImmutableList<DestinationEffect> result;
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start(
"destination.write", profiler().taskType(workflow.getDestination().getType()))) {
result = writer.write(transformResult, getDestinationFiles(), processConsole);
Verify.verifyNotNull(result, "Destination returned a null result.");
.verify(!result.isEmpty(), "Destination " + writer + " returned an empty set of effects");
return result;
private void checkout(
O rev, Console processConsole, Path checkoutDir, String profileDescription)
throws RepoException, ValidationException, IOException {
if (workflow.isCheckout() ) {
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start(
profileDescription, profiler().taskType(workflow.getOrigin().getType()))) {
reader.checkout(rev, checkoutDir);
// Remove excluded origin files.
PathMatcher originFiles = getOriginFiles().relativeTo(checkoutDir);
processConsole.progress("Removing excluded origin files");
int deleted = FileUtil.deleteFilesRecursively(
checkoutDir, FileUtil.notPathMatcher(originFiles));
if (deleted != 0) {
"Removed %d files from workdir that do not match origin_files", deleted);
* Get last imported revision or fail if it cannot be found.
* @throws RepoException if a last revision couldn't be found
O getLastRev() throws RepoException, ValidationException {
O lastRev = maybeGetLastRev();
if (lastRev == null && !isInitHistory()) {
throw new CannotResolveRevisionException(String.format(
"Previous revision label %s could not be found in %s and --last-rev or --init-history "
+ "flags were not passed",
getOriginLabelName(), workflow.getDestination()));
return lastRev;
String getOriginLabelName() {
return workflow.getRevIdLabel();
String getLabelNameWhenOrigin() throws ValidationException {
return workflow.customRevId() == null
? workflow.getDestination().getLabelNameWhenOrigin()
: workflow.customRevId();
* Returns the last revision that was imported from this origin to the destination. Returns
* {@code null} if it cannot be determined.
* <p>If {@code --last-rev} is specified, that revision will be used. Otherwise, the previous
* revision will be resolved in the destination with the origin label.
* <p>If {@code --init-history} it will return null, if a last revision cannot be resolved in the
* destination. The reason is to avoid users importing accidentally all the history again by using
* the flag when they shouldn't.
private O maybeGetLastRev() throws RepoException, ValidationException {
if (workflow.getLastRevisionFlag() != null) {
try {
return originResolve(workflow.getLastRevisionFlag());
} catch (RepoException e) {
throw new CannotResolveRevisionException(
"Could not resolve --last-rev flag. Please make sure it exists in the origin: "
+ workflow.getLastRevisionFlag(), e);
DestinationStatus status = writer.getDestinationStatus(
try {
O lastRev = (status == null) ? null : originResolve(status.getBaseline());
if (lastRev != null && workflow.isInitHistory()) {
"Ignoring %s because a previous imported revision '%s' was found in the destination.",
WorkflowOptions.INIT_HISTORY_FLAG, lastRev.asString());
return lastRev;
} catch (CannotResolveRevisionException e) {
if (workflow.isInitHistory()) {
// Expected to not find a revision if --init-history is provided
return null;
throw e;
* Resolve a string representation of a revision using the origin
O originResolve(String revStr) throws RepoException, ValidationException {
return workflow.getOrigin().resolve(revStr);
public EventMonitor eventMonitor() {
return workflow.eventMonitor();