119 lines
4.1 KiB
119 lines
4.1 KiB
{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin;
self: super: {
llvmPackages = pkgs.lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages;
# Disable GHC core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
Cabal-syntax = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-bignum = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
system-cxx-std-lib = null;
template-haskell = null;
# GHC only builds terminfo if it is a native compiler
terminfo = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform then null else doDistribute self.terminfo_0_4_1_6;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
# https://haskell-language-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/support/plugin-support.html
haskell-language-server = super.haskell-language-server.override {
hls-class-plugin = null;
hls-floskell-plugin = null;
hls-fourmolu-plugin = null;
hls-gadt-plugin = null;
hls-hlint-plugin = null;
hls-ormolu-plugin = null;
hls-refactor-plugin = null;
hls-rename-plugin = null;
hls-retrie-plugin = null;
hls-splice-plugin = null;
hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = null;
# Version upgrades
alex = doDistribute self.alex_3_4_0_1;
some = doDistribute self.some_1_0_6;
tagged = doDistribute self.tagged_0_8_8;
th-abstraction = doDistribute self.th-abstraction_0_6_0_0;
hspec-core = doDistribute self.hspec-core_2_11_7;
hspec-meta = doDistribute self.hspec-meta_2_11_7;
hspec-discover = doDistribute self.hspec-discover_2_11_7;
hspec = doDistribute self.hspec_2_11_7;
hspec-expectations = doDistribute self.hspec-expectations_0_8_4;
bifunctors = doDistribute self.bifunctors_5_6_1;
free = doDistribute self.free_5_2;
semigroupoids = doDistribute self.semigroupoids_6_0_0_1;
doctest = doDistribute self.doctest_0_22_2;
ghc-lib-parser = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser_9_8_1_20231121;
ghc-lib-parser-ex = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_8_0_0;
ghc-lib = doDistribute self.ghc-lib_9_8_1_20231121;
megaparsec = doDistribute self.megaparsec_9_6_1;
tasty-hspec = doDistribute self.tasty-hspec_1_2_0_4;
hedgehog = doDistribute self.hedgehog_1_4;
rebase = doDistribute self.rebase_1_20_2;
rerebase = doDistribute self.rerebase_1_20_2;
aeson = doDistribute self.aeson_2_2_1_0;
aeson-pretty = doDistribute self.aeson-pretty_0_8_10;
attoparsec-aeson = doDistribute self.attoparsec-aeson_2_2_0_1;
ormolu = doDistribute self.ormolu_0_7_3_0;
fourmolu = doDistribute (dontCheck self.fourmolu_0_14_1_0);
# Jailbreaks
commutative-semigroups = doJailbreak super.commutative-semigroups; # base < 4.19
ghc-trace-events = doJailbreak super.ghc-trace-events; # text < 2.1, bytestring < 0.12, base < 4.19
primitive-unlifted = doJailbreak super.primitive-unlifted; # bytestring < 0.12
newtype-generics = doJailbreak super.newtype-generics; # base < 4.19
hw-prim = doJailbreak super.hw-prim; # doctest < 0.22, ghc-prim < 0.11, hedgehog < 1.4
hw-fingertree = doJailbreak super.hw-fingertree; # deepseq <1.5, doctest < 0.22, hedgehog < 1.4
# Too strict bound on base, believe it or not.
# https://github.com/judah/terminfo/pull/55#issuecomment-1876894232
terminfo_0_4_1_6 = doJailbreak super.terminfo_0_4_1_6;
# Test suite issues
unordered-containers = dontCheck super.unordered-containers; # ChasingBottoms doesn't support base 4.20
lifted-base = dontCheck super.lifted-base; # doesn't compile with transformers == 0.6.*
# https://github.com/wz1000/HieDb/issues/64
hiedb = overrideCabal (drv: {
testFlags = drv.testFlags or [ ] ++ [
"--match" "!/hiedb/Command line/point-info/correctly prints type signatures/"
}) super.hiedb;
# Unbroken due to hspec* upgrades
hspec-api = doDistribute (unmarkBroken super.hspec-api);