222 lines
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222 lines
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diff --git a/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py b/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
index a9a1c980..2d83089b 100644
--- a/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
+++ b/cloudinit/net/dhcp.py
@@ -14,12 +14,48 @@ from io import StringIO
import configobj
-from cloudinit import subp, util
+from cloudinit import subp, util, temp_utils
from cloudinit.net import find_fallback_nic, get_devicelist
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NETWORKD_LEASES_DIR = "/run/systemd/netif/leases"
+UDHCPC_SCRIPT = """#!/bin/sh
+log() {
+ echo "udhcpc[$PPID]" "$interface: $2"
+[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1
+case $1 in
+ bound|renew)
+ cat <<JSON > "$LEASE_FILE"
+ "interface": "$interface",
+ "fixed-address": "$ip",
+ "subnet-mask": "$subnet",
+ "routers": "${router%% *}",
+ "static_routes" : "${staticroutes}"
+ ;;
+ deconfig)
+ log err "Not supported"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ leasefail | nak)
+ log err "configuration failed: $1: $message"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "$0: Unknown udhcpc command: $1" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
class NoDHCPLeaseError(Exception):
@@ -43,12 +79,14 @@ class NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError(NoDHCPLeaseError):
def maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery(nic=None, dhcp_log_func=None, tmp_dir=None):
- """Perform dhcp discovery if nic valid and dhclient command exists.
+ """Perform dhcp discovery if nic valid and dhclient or udhcpc command
+ exists.
If the nic is invalid or undiscoverable or dhclient command is not found,
skip dhcp_discovery and return an empty dict.
- @param nic: Name of the network interface we want to run dhclient on.
+ @param nic: Name of the network interface we want to run the dhcp client
+ on.
@param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the dhclient output and error
@param tmp_dir: Tmp dir with exec permissions.
@@ -66,11 +104,16 @@ def maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery(nic=None, dhcp_log_func=None, tmp_dir=None):
"Skip dhcp_discovery: nic %s not found in get_devicelist.", nic
raise NoDHCPLeaseInterfaceError()
+ udhcpc_path = subp.which("udhcpc")
+ if udhcpc_path:
+ return dhcp_udhcpc_discovery(udhcpc_path, nic, dhcp_log_func)
dhclient_path = subp.which("dhclient")
- if not dhclient_path:
- LOG.debug("Skip dhclient configuration: No dhclient command found.")
- raise NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError()
- return dhcp_discovery(dhclient_path, nic, dhcp_log_func)
+ if dhclient_path:
+ return dhcp_discovery(dhclient_path, nic, dhcp_log_func)
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Skip dhclient configuration: No dhclient or udhcpc command found."
+ )
+ raise NoDHCPLeaseMissingDhclientError()
def parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file):
@@ -107,6 +150,61 @@ def parse_dhcp_lease_file(lease_file):
return dhcp_leases
+def dhcp_udhcpc_discovery(udhcpc_cmd_path, interface, dhcp_log_func=None):
+ """Run udhcpc on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.
+ @param udhcpc_cmd_path: Full path to the udhcpc used.
+ @param interface: Name of the network interface on which to dhclient.
+ @param dhcp_log_func: A callable accepting the dhclient output and error
+ streams.
+ @return: A list of dicts of representing the dhcp leases parsed from the
+ dhclient.lease file or empty list.
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Performing a dhcp discovery on %s", interface)
+ tmp_dir = temp_utils.get_tmp_ancestor(needs_exe=True)
+ lease_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, interface + ".lease.json")
+ with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError):
+ os.remove(lease_file)
+ # udhcpc needs the interface up to send initial discovery packets.
+ # Generally dhclient relies on dhclient-script PREINIT action to bring the
+ # link up before attempting discovery. Since we are using -sf /bin/true,
+ # we need to do that "link up" ourselves first.
+ subp.subp(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", interface, "up"], capture=True)
+ udhcpc_script = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "udhcpc_script")
+ util.write_file(udhcpc_script, UDHCPC_SCRIPT, 0o755)
+ cmd = [
+ udhcpc_cmd_path,
+ "-O",
+ "staticroutes",
+ "-i",
+ interface,
+ "-s",
+ udhcpc_script,
+ "-n", # Exit if lease is not obtained
+ "-q", # Exit after obtaining lease
+ "-f", # Run in foreground
+ "-v",
+ ]
+ out, err = subp.subp(
+ cmd, update_env={"LEASE_FILE": lease_file}, capture=True
+ )
+ if dhcp_log_func is not None:
+ dhcp_log_func(out, err)
+ lease_json = util.load_json(util.load_file(lease_file))
+ static_routes = lease_json["static_routes"].split()
+ if static_routes:
+ # format: dest1/mask gw1 ... destn/mask gwn
+ lease_json["static_routes"] = [
+ i for i in zip(static_routes[::2], static_routes[1::2])
+ ]
+ return [lease_json]
def dhcp_discovery(dhclient_cmd_path, interface, dhcp_log_func=None):
"""Run dhclient on the interface without scripts or filesystem artifacts.
diff --git a/tests/unittests/net/test_dhcp.py b/tests/unittests/net/test_dhcp.py
index 40340553..8913cf65 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/net/test_dhcp.py
+++ b/tests/unittests/net/test_dhcp.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from cloudinit.net.dhcp import (
+ dhcp_udhcpc_discovery,
@@ -334,6 +335,43 @@ class TestDHCPParseStaticRoutes(CiTestCase):
+class TestUDHCPCDiscoveryClean(CiTestCase):
+ maxDiff = None
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.dhcp.os.remove")
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.net.dhcp.subp.subp")
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.load_json")
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.load_file")
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.write_file")
+ def test_udhcpc_discovery(
+ self, m_write_file, m_load_file, m_loadjson, m_subp, m_remove
+ ):
+ """dhcp_discovery waits for the presence of pidfile and dhcp.leases."""
+ m_subp.return_value = ("", "")
+ m_loadjson.return_value = {
+ "interface": "eth9",
+ "fixed-address": "",
+ "subnet-mask": "",
+ "routers": "",
+ "static_routes": "",
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [
+ {
+ "fixed-address": "",
+ "interface": "eth9",
+ "routers": "",
+ "static_routes": [
+ ("", ""),
+ ("", ""),
+ ],
+ "subnet-mask": "",
+ }
+ ],
+ dhcp_udhcpc_discovery("/sbin/udhcpc", "eth9"),
+ )
class TestDHCPDiscoveryClean(CiTestCase):
with_logs = True
@@ -372,7 +410,7 @@ class TestDHCPDiscoveryClean(CiTestCase):
- "Skip dhclient configuration: No dhclient command found.",
+ "Skip dhclient configuration: No dhclient or udhcpc command found.",