159 lines
4.3 KiB
159 lines
4.3 KiB
{ lib
, importCargoLock
, fetchCargoTarball
, rust
, stdenv
, callPackage
, cacert
, git
, cargoBuildHook
, cargoCheckHook
, cargoInstallHook
, cargoSetupHook
, rustc
, libiconv
, windows
{ name ? "${args.pname}-${args.version}"
# Name for the vendored dependencies tarball
, cargoDepsName ? name
, src ? null
, srcs ? null
, unpackPhase ? null
, cargoPatches ? []
, patches ? []
, sourceRoot ? null
, logLevel ? ""
, buildInputs ? []
, nativeBuildInputs ? []
, cargoUpdateHook ? ""
, cargoDepsHook ? ""
, buildType ? "release"
, meta ? {}
, cargoLock ? null
, cargoVendorDir ? null
, checkType ? buildType
, buildNoDefaultFeatures ? false
, checkNoDefaultFeatures ? buildNoDefaultFeatures
, buildFeatures ? [ ]
, checkFeatures ? buildFeatures
, depsExtraArgs ? {}
# Toggles whether a custom sysroot is created when the target is a .json file.
, __internal_dontAddSysroot ? false
# Needed to `pushd`/`popd` into a subdir of a tarball if this subdir
# contains a Cargo.toml, but isn't part of a workspace (which is e.g. the
# case for `rustfmt`/etc from the `rust-sources).
# Otherwise, everything from the tarball would've been built/tested.
, buildAndTestSubdir ? null
, ... } @ args:
assert cargoVendorDir == null && cargoLock == null -> !(args ? cargoSha256) && !(args ? cargoHash)
-> throw "cargoSha256, cargoHash, cargoVendorDir, or cargoLock must be set";
assert buildType == "release" || buildType == "debug";
cargoDeps =
if cargoVendorDir != null then null
else if cargoLock != null then importCargoLock cargoLock
else fetchCargoTarball ({
inherit src srcs sourceRoot unpackPhase cargoUpdateHook;
name = cargoDepsName;
patches = cargoPatches;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (args ? cargoHash) {
hash = args.cargoHash;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (args ? cargoSha256) {
sha256 = args.cargoSha256;
} // depsExtraArgs);
# If we have a cargoSha256 fixed-output derivation, validate it at build time
# against the src fixed-output derivation to check consistency.
validateCargoDeps = args ? cargoHash || args ? cargoSha256;
target = rust.toRustTargetSpec stdenv.hostPlatform;
targetIsJSON = lib.hasSuffix ".json" target;
useSysroot = targetIsJSON && !__internal_dontAddSysroot;
# see https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/964a16a28e234a3d397b2a7031d4ab4a428b1391/src/cargo/core/compiler/compile_kind.rs#L151-L168
# the "${}" is needed to transform the path into a /nix/store path before baseNameOf
shortTarget = if targetIsJSON then
(lib.removeSuffix ".json" (builtins.baseNameOf "${target}"))
else target;
sysroot = callPackage ./sysroot { } {
inherit target shortTarget;
originalCargoToml = src + /Cargo.toml; # profile info is later extracted
# Tests don't currently work for `no_std`, and all custom sysroots are currently built without `std`.
# See https://os.phil-opp.com/testing/ for more information.
assert useSysroot -> !(args.doCheck or true);
stdenv.mkDerivation ((removeAttrs args [ "depsExtraArgs" "cargoUpdateHook" "cargoLock" ]) // lib.optionalAttrs useSysroot {
RUSTFLAGS = "--sysroot ${sysroot} " + (args.RUSTFLAGS or "");
} // {
inherit buildAndTestSubdir cargoDeps;
cargoBuildType = buildType;
cargoCheckType = checkType;
cargoBuildNoDefaultFeatures = buildNoDefaultFeatures;
cargoCheckNoDefaultFeatures = checkNoDefaultFeatures;
cargoBuildFeatures = buildFeatures;
cargoCheckFeatures = checkFeatures;
patchRegistryDeps = ./patch-registry-deps;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [
buildInputs = buildInputs
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ libiconv ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW [ windows.pthreads ];
patches = cargoPatches ++ patches;
if stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then 1 else 0;
postUnpack = ''
eval "$cargoDepsHook"
export RUST_LOG=${logLevel}
'' + (args.postUnpack or "");
configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
runHook preConfigure
runHook postConfigure
doCheck = args.doCheck or true;
strictDeps = true;
passthru = { inherit cargoDeps; } // (args.passthru or {});
meta = {
# default to Rust's platforms
platforms = rustc.meta.platforms;
} // meta;