292 lines
9.4 KiB
292 lines
9.4 KiB
{ lib, stdenv
, runCommand
, newScope
, fetchFromGitLab
, makeWrapper
, symlinkJoin
, callPackage
, callPackages
, adwaita-icon-theme
, dconf
, gtk3
, wxGTK32
, librsvg
, cups
, gsettings-desktop-schemas
, hicolor-icon-theme
, unzip
, jq
, pname ? "kicad"
, stable ? true
, testing ? false
, withNgspice ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
, libngspice
, withScripting ? true
, python3
, addons ? [ ]
, debug ? false
, sanitizeAddress ? false
, sanitizeThreads ? false
, with3d ? true
, withI18n ? true
, srcs ? { }
# `addons`: https://dev-docs.kicad.org/en/addons/
# ```nix
# kicad = pkgs.kicad.override {
# addons = with pkgs.kicadAddons; [ kikit kikit-library ];
# };
# ```
# The `srcs` parameter can be used to override the kicad source code
# and all libraries, which are otherwise inaccessible
# to overlays since most of the kicad build expression has been
# refactored into base.nix, most of the library build expressions have
# been refactored into libraries.nix. Overrides are only applied when
# building `kicad-unstable`. The `srcs` parameter has
# no effect for stable `kicad`. `srcs` takes an attribute set in which
# any of the following attributes are meaningful (though none are
# mandatory): "kicad", "kicadVersion", "symbols", "templates",
# "footprints", "packages3d", and "libVersion". "kicadVersion" and
# "libVersion" should be set to a string with the desired value for
# the version attribute in kicad's `mkDerivation` and the version
# attribute in any of the library's `mkDerivation`, respectively.
# "kicad", "symbols", "templates", "footprints", and "packages3d"
# should be set to an appropriate fetcher (e.g. `fetchFromGitLab`).
# So, for example, a possible overlay for kicad is:
# final: prev:
# {
# kicad-unstable = (prev.kicad-unstable.override {
# srcs = {
# kicadVersion = "2020-10-08";
# kicad = prev.fetchFromGitLab {
# group = "kicad";
# owner = "code";
# repo = "kicad";
# rev = "fd22fe8e374ce71d57e9f683ba996651aa69fa4e";
# sha256 = "sha256-F8qugru/jU3DgZSpQXQhRGNFSk0ybFRkpyWb7HAGBdc=";
# };
# };
# });
# }
baseName = if (testing) then "kicad-testing"
else if (stable) then "kicad"
else "kicad-unstable";
versionsImport = import ./versions.nix;
# versions.nix does not provide us with version, src and rev. We
# need to turn this into approprate fetcher calls.
kicadSrcFetch = fetchFromGitLab {
group = "kicad";
owner = "code";
repo = "kicad";
rev = versionsImport.${baseName}.kicadVersion.src.rev;
sha256 = versionsImport.${baseName}.kicadVersion.src.sha256;
libSrcFetch = name: fetchFromGitLab {
group = "kicad";
owner = "libraries";
repo = "kicad-${name}";
rev = versionsImport.${baseName}.libVersion.libSources.${name}.rev;
sha256 = versionsImport.${baseName}.libVersion.libSources.${name}.sha256;
# only override `src` or `version` if building `kicad-unstable` with
# the appropriate attribute defined in `srcs`.
srcOverridep = attr: (!stable && builtins.hasAttr attr srcs);
# use default source and version (as defined in versions.nix) by
# default, or use the appropriate attribute from `srcs` if building
# unstable with `srcs` properly defined.
kicadSrc =
if srcOverridep "kicad" then srcs.kicad
else kicadSrcFetch;
kicadVersion =
if srcOverridep "kicadVersion" then srcs.kicadVersion
else versionsImport.${baseName}.kicadVersion.version;
libSrc = name: if srcOverridep name then srcs.${name} else libSrcFetch name;
# TODO does it make sense to only have one version for all libs?
libVersion =
if srcOverridep "libVersion" then srcs.libVersion
else versionsImport.${baseName}.libVersion.version;
wxGTK = wxGTK32;
python = python3;
wxPython = python.pkgs.wxpython;
addonPath = "addon.zip";
addonsDrvs = map (pkg: pkg.override { inherit addonPath python3; }) addons;
addonsJoined =
runCommand "addonsJoined"
inherit addonsDrvs;
nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip jq ];
} ''
mkdir $out
for pkg in $addonsDrvs; do
unzip $pkg/addon.zip -d unpacked
folder_name=$(jq .identifier unpacked/metadata.json --raw-output | tr . _)
for d in unpacked/*; do
if [ -d "$d" ]; then
dest=$out/share/kicad/scripting/$(basename $d)/$folder_name
mkdir -p $(dirname $dest)
mv $d $dest
rm -r unpacked
inherit (lib) concatStringsSep flatten optionalString optionals;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# Common libraries, referenced during runtime, via the wrapper.
passthru.libraries = callPackages ./libraries.nix { inherit libSrc; };
passthru.callPackage = newScope { inherit addonPath python3; };
base = callPackage ./base.nix {
inherit stable testing baseName;
inherit kicadSrc kicadVersion;
inherit wxGTK python wxPython;
inherit withNgspice withScripting withI18n;
inherit debug sanitizeAddress sanitizeThreads;
inherit pname;
version = if (stable) then kicadVersion else builtins.substring 0 10 src.src.rev;
src = base;
dontUnpack = true;
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
dontFixup = true;
pythonPath = optionals (withScripting)
[ wxPython python.pkgs.six python.pkgs.requests ] ++ addonsDrvs;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]
++ optionals (withScripting)
[ python.pkgs.wrapPython ];
# KICAD7_TEMPLATE_DIR only works with a single path (it does not handle : separated paths)
# but it's used to find both the templates and the symbol/footprint library tables
# https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/14792
template_dir = symlinkJoin {
name = "KiCad_template_dir";
paths = with passthru.libraries; [
# We are emulating wrapGAppsHook3, along with other variables to the wrapper
makeWrapperArgs = with passthru.libraries; [
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${base}/share"
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${hicolor-icon-theme}/share"
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${adwaita-icon-theme}/share"
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${gtk3}/share/gsettings-schemas/${gtk3.name}"
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${gsettings-desktop-schemas}/share/gsettings-schemas/${gsettings-desktop-schemas.name}"
# wrapGAppsHook3 did these two as well, no idea if it matters...
"--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${cups}/share"
"--prefix GIO_EXTRA_MODULES : ${dconf}/lib/gio/modules"
# required to open a bug report link in firefox-wayland
"--set-default MOZ_DBUS_REMOTE 1"
"--set-default KICAD8_FOOTPRINT_DIR ${footprints}/share/kicad/footprints"
"--set-default KICAD8_SYMBOL_DIR ${symbols}/share/kicad/symbols"
"--set-default KICAD8_TEMPLATE_DIR ${template_dir}"
++ optionals (addons != [ ]) (
let stockDataPath = symlinkJoin {
name = "kicad_stock_data_path";
paths = [
[ "--set-default NIX_KICAD8_STOCK_DATA_PATH ${stockDataPath}" ]
++ optionals (with3d)
"--set-default KICAD8_3DMODEL_DIR ${packages3d}/share/kicad/3dmodels"
++ optionals (withNgspice) [ "--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${libngspice}/lib" ]
# infinisil's workaround for #39493
++ [ "--set GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE ${librsvg}/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache" ]
# why does $makeWrapperArgs have to be added explicitly?
# $out and $program_PYTHONPATH don't exist when makeWrapperArgs gets set?
installPhase =
bin = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then "*.app/Contents/MacOS" else "bin";
tools = [ "kicad" "pcbnew" "eeschema" "gerbview" "pcb_calculator" "pl_editor" "bitmap2component" ];
utils = [ "dxf2idf" "idf2vrml" "idfcyl" "idfrect" "kicad-cli" ];
(concatStringsSep "\n"
(flatten [
"runHook preInstall"
(optionalString (withScripting) "buildPythonPath \"${base} $pythonPath\" \n")
# wrap each of the directly usable tools
(tool: "makeWrapper ${base}/${bin}/${tool} $out/bin/${tool} $makeWrapperArgs"
+ optionalString (withScripting) " --set PYTHONPATH \"$program_PYTHONPATH\""
# link in the CLI utils
(map (util: "ln -s ${base}/${bin}/${util} $out/bin/${util}") utils)
"runHook postInstall"
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/share
ln -s ${base}/share/applications $out/share/applications
ln -s ${base}/share/icons $out/share/icons
ln -s ${base}/share/mime $out/share/mime
ln -s ${base}/share/metainfo $out/share/metainfo
passthru.updateScript = {
command = [ ./update.sh "${pname}" ];
supportedFeatures = [ "commit" ];
meta = rec {
description = (if (stable)
then "Open Source Electronics Design Automation suite"
else if (testing) then "Open Source EDA suite, latest on stable branch"
else "Open Source EDA suite, latest on master branch")
+ (lib.optionalString (!with3d) ", without 3D models");
homepage = "https://www.kicad.org/";
longDescription = ''
KiCad is an open source software suite for Electronic Design Automation.
The Programs handle Schematic Capture, and PCB Layout with Gerber output.
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ evils ];
platforms = lib.platforms.all;
broken = stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin;
mainProgram = "kicad";