219 lines
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219 lines
10 KiB
{ stdenv, lib, pkgArches, makeSetupHook,
pname, version, src, mingwGccs, monos, geckos, platforms,
bison, flex, fontforge, makeWrapper, pkg-config,
buildScript ? null, configureFlags ? [], mainProgram ? "wine"
with import ./util.nix { inherit lib; };
patches' = patches;
prevName = pname;
prevPlatforms = platforms;
prevConfigFlags = configureFlags;
setupHookDarwin = makeSetupHook {
name = "darwin-mingw-hook";
substitutions = {
darwinSuffixSalt = stdenv.cc.suffixSalt;
mingwGccsSuffixSalts = map (gcc: gcc.suffixSalt) mingwGccs;
} ./setup-hook-darwin.sh;
darwinUnsupportedFlags = [ "alsaSupport" "cairoSupport" "dbusSupport" "fontconfigSupport" "gtkSupport" "netapiSupport" "pulseaudioSupport" "udevSupport" "v4lSupport" "vaSupport" "waylandSupport" "x11Support" "xineramaSupport" ];
darwinUnsupported = builtins.any (name: builtins.getAttr name supportFlags) darwinUnsupportedFlags;
stdenv.mkDerivation ((lib.optionalAttrs (buildScript != null) {
builder = buildScript;
}) // (lib.optionalAttrs stdenv.isDarwin {
postConfigure = ''
# dynamic fallback, so this shouldn’t cause problems for older versions of macOS and will
# provide additional functionality on newer ones. This can be removed once the x86_64-darwin
# SDK is updated.
-i include/config.h
postBuild = ''
# The Wine preloader must _not_ be linked to any system libraries, but `NIX_LDFLAGS` will link
# to libintl, libiconv, and CoreFoundation no matter what. Delete the one that was built and
# rebuild it with empty NIX_LDFLAGS.
for preloader in wine-preloader wine64-preloader; do
rm loader/$preloader &> /dev/null \
&& ( echo "Relinking loader/$preloader"; make loader/$preloader NIX_LDFLAGS="" NIX_LDFLAGS_${stdenv.cc.suffixSalt}="" ) \
|| echo "loader/$preloader not built, skipping relink."
}) // rec {
inherit version src;
pname = prevName + lib.optionalString (wineRelease != "stable" && wineRelease != "unstable") "-${wineRelease}";
# Fixes "Compiler cannot create executables" building wineWow with mingwSupport
strictDeps = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [
++ lib.optionals supportFlags.mingwSupport (mingwGccs
++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin setupHookDarwin);
buildInputs = toBuildInputs pkgArches (with supportFlags; (pkgs:
[ pkgs.freetype pkgs.perl pkgs.libunwind ]
++ lib.optional stdenv.isLinux pkgs.libcap
++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.libinotify-kqueue
++ lib.optional cupsSupport pkgs.cups
++ lib.optional gettextSupport pkgs.gettext
++ lib.optional dbusSupport pkgs.dbus
++ lib.optional cairoSupport pkgs.cairo
++ lib.optional odbcSupport pkgs.unixODBC
++ lib.optional netapiSupport pkgs.samba4
++ lib.optional cursesSupport pkgs.ncurses
++ lib.optional vaSupport pkgs.libva
++ lib.optional pcapSupport pkgs.libpcap
++ lib.optional v4lSupport pkgs.libv4l
++ lib.optional saneSupport pkgs.sane-backends
++ lib.optional gphoto2Support pkgs.libgphoto2
++ lib.optional krb5Support pkgs.libkrb5
++ lib.optional fontconfigSupport pkgs.fontconfig
++ lib.optional alsaSupport pkgs.alsa-lib
++ lib.optional pulseaudioSupport pkgs.libpulseaudio
++ lib.optional (xineramaSupport && x11Support) pkgs.xorg.libXinerama
++ lib.optional udevSupport pkgs.udev
++ lib.optional vulkanSupport (if stdenv.isDarwin then moltenvk else pkgs.vulkan-loader)
++ lib.optional sdlSupport pkgs.SDL2
++ lib.optional usbSupport pkgs.libusb1
++ lib.optionals gstreamerSupport (with pkgs.gst_all_1;
[ gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav gst-plugins-bad ])
++ lib.optionals gtkSupport [ pkgs.gtk3 pkgs.glib ]
++ lib.optionals openclSupport [ pkgs.opencl-headers pkgs.ocl-icd ]
++ lib.optionals tlsSupport [ pkgs.openssl pkgs.gnutls ]
++ lib.optionals (openglSupport && !stdenv.isDarwin) [ pkgs.libGLU pkgs.libGL pkgs.mesa.osmesa pkgs.libdrm ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin (with pkgs.buildPackages.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; [
CoreServices Foundation ForceFeedback AppKit OpenGL IOKit DiskArbitration PCSC Security
ApplicationServices AudioToolbox CoreAudio AudioUnit CoreMIDI OpenCL Cocoa Carbon
++ lib.optionals (x11Support) (with pkgs.xorg; [
libX11 libXcomposite libXcursor libXext libXfixes libXi libXrandr libXrender libXxf86vm
++ lib.optionals waylandSupport (with pkgs; [
wayland libxkbcommon wayland-protocols wayland.dev libxkbcommon.dev
mesa # for libgbm
patches = [ ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
# Wine uses `MTLDevice.registryID` in `winemac.drv`, but that property is not available in
# the 10.12 SDK (current SDK on x86_64-darwin). That can be worked around by using selector
# syntax. As of Wine 8.12, the logic has changed and uses selector syntax, but it still
# uses property syntax in one place. The first patch is necessary only with older
# versions of Wine. The second is needed on all versions of Wine.
(lib.optional (lib.versionOlder version "8.12") ./darwin-metal-compat-pre8.12.patch)
(lib.optional (lib.versionOlder version "8.18") ./darwin-metal-compat-pre8.18.patch)
(lib.optional (lib.versionAtLeast version "8.18") ./darwin-metal-compat.patch)
# Wine requires `qos.h`, which is not included by default on the 10.12 SDK in nixpkgs.
++ patches';
# Because the 10.12 SDK doesn’t define `registryID`, clang assumes the undefined selector returns
# `id`, which is a pointer. This causes implicit pointer to integer errors in clang 15+.
# The following post-processing step adds a cast to `uint64_t` before the selector invocation to
# silence these errors.
postPatch = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
sed -e 's|\(\[[A-Za-z_][][A-Za-z_0-9]* registryID\]\)|(uint64_t)\1|' \
-i dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_display.m
configureFlags = prevConfigFlags
++ lib.optionals supportFlags.waylandSupport [ "--with-wayland" ]
++ lib.optionals supportFlags.vulkanSupport [ "--with-vulkan" ]
++ lib.optionals ((stdenv.isDarwin && !supportFlags.xineramaSupport) || !supportFlags.x11Support) [ "--without-x" ];
# Wine locates a lot of libraries dynamically through dlopen(). Add
# them to the RPATH so that the user doesn't have to set them in
NIX_LDFLAGS = toString (map (path: "-rpath " + path) (
map (x: "${lib.getLib x}/lib") ([ stdenv.cc.cc ] ++ buildInputs)
# libpulsecommon.so is linked but not found otherwise
++ lib.optionals supportFlags.pulseaudioSupport (map (x: "${lib.getLib x}/lib/pulseaudio")
(toBuildInputs pkgArches (pkgs: [ pkgs.libpulseaudio ])))
++ lib.optionals supportFlags.waylandSupport (map (x: "${lib.getLib x}/share/wayland-protocols")
(toBuildInputs pkgArches (pkgs: [ pkgs.wayland-protocols ])))
# Don't shrink the ELF RPATHs in order to keep the extra RPATH
# elements specified above.
dontPatchELF = true;
# Add capability to ignore known failing tests
# and enable doCheck
doCheck = false;
postInstall = let
links = prefix: pkg: "ln -s ${pkg} $out/${prefix}/${pkg.name}";
in lib.optionalString supportFlags.embedInstallers ''
mkdir -p $out/share/wine/gecko $out/share/wine/mono/
${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n"
((map (links "share/wine/gecko") geckos)
++ (map (links "share/wine/mono") monos))}
'' + lib.optionalString supportFlags.gstreamerSupport ''
# Wrapping Wine is tricky.
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/63170
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/28486
# The main problem is that wine-preloader opens and loads the wine(64) binary, and
# breakage occurs if it finds a shell script instead of the real binary. We solve this
# by setting WINELOADER to point to the original binary. Additionally, the locations
# of the 32-bit and 64-bit binaries must differ only by the presence of "64" at the
# end, due to the logic Wine uses to find the other binary (see get_alternate_loader
# in dlls/kernel32/process.c). Therefore we do not use wrapProgram which would move
# the binaries to ".wine-wrapped" and ".wine64-wrapped", but use makeWrapper directly,
# and move the binaries to ".wine" and ".wine64".
for i in wine wine64 ; do
if [ -e "$prog" ]; then
hidden="$(dirname "$prog")/.$(basename "$prog")"
mv "$prog" "$hidden"
makeWrapper "$hidden" "$prog" \
--argv0 "" \
--set WINELOADER "$hidden" \
enableParallelBuilding = true;
# https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43530
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/31989
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" ]
++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin) "fortify"
++ lib.optional (supportFlags.mingwSupport) "format";
passthru = {
inherit pkgArches;
inherit (src) updateScript;
tests = { inherit (nixosTests) wine; };
meta = {
inherit version;
homepage = "https://www.winehq.org/";
license = with lib.licenses; [ lgpl21Plus ];
sourceProvenance = with lib.sourceTypes; [
binaryNativeCode # mono, gecko
broken = stdenv.isDarwin && !supportFlags.mingwSupport;
description = "An Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix";
platforms = if darwinUnsupported then (lib.remove "x86_64-darwin" prevPlatforms) else prevPlatforms;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ avnik raskin bendlas jmc-figueira reckenrode ];
inherit mainProgram;