170 lines
5.1 KiB
170 lines
5.1 KiB
{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
inherit (pkgs) lib;
jailbreakWhileRevision = rev:
overrideCabal (old: {
jailbreak = assert old.revision or "0" == toString rev; true;
self: super: {
llvmPackages = lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages;
# Disable GHC core libraries
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
Cabal-syntax = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-bignum = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
system-cxx-std-lib = null;
template-haskell = null;
# terminfo is not built if GHC is a cross compiler
terminfo = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform then null else self.terminfo_0_4_1_5;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
# Version deviations from Stackage LTS
doctest = doDistribute super.doctest_0_21_1;
inspection-testing = doDistribute self.inspection-testing_0_5_0_1; # allows base >= 4.18
OneTuple = doDistribute (dontCheck super.OneTuple_0_4_1_1); # allows base >= 4.18
primitive = doDistribute (dontCheck self.primitive_0_7_4_0); # allows base >= 4.18
tagged = doDistribute self.tagged_0_8_7; # allows template-haskell-2.20
some = doDistribute self.some_1_0_5;
tasty-inspection-testing = doDistribute self.tasty-inspection-testing_0_2;
th-abstraction = doDistribute self.th-abstraction_0_5_0_0;
th-desugar = doDistribute self.th-desugar_1_15;
# Too strict bounds on ghc-prim and template-haskell
aeson = doDistribute (doJailbreak self.aeson_2_1_2_1);
# Too strict bounds on ghc-prim
memory = doDistribute self.memory_0_18_0;
ghc-lib = doDistribute self.ghc-lib_9_6_1_20230312;
ghc-lib-parser = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser_9_6_1_20230312;
ghc-lib-parser-ex = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_6_0_0;
# Too strict bounds without upstream fix
# Forbids transformers >= 0.6
quickcheck-classes-base = doJailbreak super.quickcheck-classes-base;
# Forbids base >= 4.18
singleton-bool = doJailbreak super.singleton-bool;
# Forbids base >= 4.18
unliftio-core = doJailbreak super.unliftio-core;
# Forbids mtl >= 2.3
ChasingBottoms = doJailbreak super.ChasingBottoms;
# Forbids base >= 4.18
cabal-install-solver = doJailbreak super.cabal-install-solver;
cabal-install = doJailbreak super.cabal-install;
# Forbids base >= 4.18
lukko = doJailbreak super.lukko;
# Too strict bounds, waiting on Hackage release in nixpkgs
# base >= 4.18 is allowed in those newer versions
boring = assert !(self ? boring_0_2_1); doJailbreak super.boring;
these = assert !(self ? assoc_1_2); doJailbreak super.these;
# XXX: We probably should be using semigroupoids 6.0.1 which is intended for 9.6
semigroupoids = doJailbreak super.semigroupoids;
# XXX: 1.3 supports 9.6 properly, but is intended for bifunctors >= 5.6
semialign = doJailbreak super.semialign;
# Compilation failure workarounds
# Add missing Functor instance for Tuple2
# https://github.com/haskell-foundation/foundation/pull/572
foundation = appendPatches [
(pkgs.fetchpatch {
name = "foundation-pr-572.patch";
url =
sha256 = "sha256-oPadhQdCPJHICdCPxn+GsSQUARIYODG8Ed6g2sK+eC4=";
stripLen = 1;
] (super.foundation);
# Test suite doesn't compile with base-4.18 / GHC 9.6
# https://github.com/dreixel/syb/issues/40
syb = dontCheck super.syb;
# 2023-04-03: plugins disabled for hls based on
haskell-language-server = super.haskell-language-server.override {
hls-ormolu-plugin = null;
hls-floskell-plugin = null;
hls-fourmolu-plugin = null;
hls-hlint-plugin = null;
hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = null;
MonadRandom = super.MonadRandom_0_6;
unix-compat = super.unix-compat_0_7;
lifted-base = dontCheck super.lifted-base;
hw-fingertree = dontCheck super.hw-fingertree;
hw-prim = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.hw-prim);
stm-containers = dontCheck super.stm-containers;
regex-tdfa = dontCheck super.regex-tdfa;
rebase = doJailbreak super.rebase_1_20;
rerebase = doJailbreak super.rerebase_1_20;
hiedb = dontCheck super.hiedb;
lucid = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.lucid);
retrie = dontCheck (super.retrie);
ghc-exactprint = unmarkBroken (addBuildDepends (with self.ghc-exactprint.scope; [
HUnit Diff data-default extra fail free ghc-paths ordered-containers silently syb
]) super.ghc-exactprint_1_7_0_0);
inherit (pkgs.lib.mapAttrs (_: doJailbreak ) super)