git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs git-subtree-split: 76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2
105 lines
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105 lines
4 KiB
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, cabextract }:
fonts = [
{ name = "andale"; hash = "sha256-BST+QpUa3Dp+uHDjLwkgMTxx8XDIWbX3cNgrTuER6XA="; }
{ name = "arial"; hash = "sha256-hSl6TRRunIesb3SCJzS97l9LKnItfqpYS38sv3b0ePY="; }
{ name = "arialb"; hash = "sha256-pCXw/7ahpe3luXntYXf09PT972rnwwKnt3IO8zL+wKg="; }
{ name = "comic"; hash = "sha256-nG3z/u/eJtTkHUpP5dsqifkSOncllNf1mv0GJiXNIE4="; }
{ name = "courie"; hash = "sha256-u1EdhhZV3eh5rlUuuGsTTW+uZ8tYUC5v9z7F2RUfM4Q="; }
{ name = "georgi"; hash = "sha256-LCx9zaZgbqXPCJGPt80/M1np6EM43GkAE/IM1C6TAwE="; }
{ name = "impact"; hash = "sha256-YGHvO3QB2WQvXf218rN2qhRmP2J15gpRIHrU+s8vzPs="; }
{ name = "times"; hash = "sha256-21ZZXsbvXT3lwkmU8AHwOyoT43zuJ7wlxY9vQ+j4B6s="; }
{ name = "trebuc"; hash = "sha256-WmkNm7hRC+G4tP5J8fIxllH+UbvlR3Xd3djvC9B/2sk="; }
{ name = "webdin"; hash = "sha256-ZFlbWrwQgPuoYQxcNPq1hjQI6Aaq/oRlPKhXW+0X11o="; }
{ name = "verdan"; hash = "sha256-wcthJV42MWZ5TkdmTi8hr446JstjRuuNKuL6hd1arZY="; }
{ name = "wd97vwr"; hash = "sha256-9hEmptF7LRJqfzGxQlBNzkk095icVfHBPGR3s/6As9I="; }
eula = fetchurl {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-LOgNEsM+dANEreP2LsFi+pAnBNDMFB9Pg+KJAahlC6s=";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "corefonts";
version = "1";
exes = map ({name, hash}: fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/${name}32.exe";
inherit hash;
}) fonts;
nativeBuildInputs = [ cabextract ];
buildCommand = ''
for i in $exes; do
cabextract --lowercase $i
cabextract --lowercase
# rename to more standard names
# handle broken macOS file-system
mv andalemo.ttf Andale_Mono.ttf
mv ariblk.ttf Arial_Black.ttf
mv arial.ttf Arial.ttf.tmp
mv Arial.ttf.tmp Arial.ttf
mv arialbd.ttf Arial_Bold.ttf
mv arialbi.ttf Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf
mv ariali.ttf Arial_Italic.ttf
mv comic.ttf Comic_Sans_MS.ttf
mv comicbd.ttf Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf
mv cour.ttf Courier_New.ttf
mv courbd.ttf Courier_New_Bold.ttf
mv couri.ttf Courier_New_Italic.ttf
mv courbi.ttf Courier_New_Bold_Italic.ttf
mv georgia.ttf Georgia.ttf.tmp
mv Georgia.ttf.tmp Georgia.ttf
mv georgiab.ttf Georgia_Bold.ttf
mv georgiai.ttf Georgia_Italic.ttf
mv georgiaz.ttf Georgia_Bold_Italic.ttf
mv impact.ttf Impact.ttf.tmp
mv Impact.ttf.tmp Impact.ttf
mv tahoma.ttf Tahoma.ttf.tmp
mv Tahoma.ttf.tmp Tahoma.ttf
mv times.ttf Times_New_Roman.ttf
mv timesbd.ttf Times_New_Roman_Bold.ttf
mv timesbi.ttf Times_New_Roman_Bold_Italic.ttf
mv timesi.ttf Times_New_Roman_Italic.ttf
mv trebuc.ttf Trebuchet_MS.ttf
mv trebucbd.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Bold.ttf
mv trebucit.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Italic.ttf
mv trebucbi.ttf Trebuchet_MS_Italic.ttf
mv verdana.ttf Verdana.ttf.tmp
mv Verdana.ttf.tmp Verdana.ttf
mv verdanab.ttf Verdana_Bold.ttf
mv verdanai.ttf Verdana_Italic.ttf
mv verdanaz.ttf Verdana_Bold_Italic.ttf
mv webdings.ttf Webdings.ttf.tmp
mv Webdings.ttf.tmp Webdings.ttf
install -m444 -Dt $out/share/fonts/truetype *.ttf
# Also put the EULA there to be on the safe side.
cp ${eula} $out/share/fonts/truetype/eula.html
# Set up no-op font configs to override any aliases set up by other packages.
mkdir -p $out/etc/fonts/conf.d
for name in Andale-Mono Arial-Black Arial Comic-Sans-MS \
Courier-New Georgia Impact Times-New-Roman \
Trebuchet Verdana Webdings ; do
substitute ${./no-op.conf} $out/etc/fonts/conf.d/30-''${name,,}.conf \
--subst-var-by fontname "''${name//-/ }"
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "Microsoft's TrueType core fonts for the Web";
platforms = platforms.all;
license = licenses.unfreeRedistributable;
# Set a non-zero priority to allow easy overriding of the
# fontconfig configuration files.
priority = 5;