65 lines
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65 lines
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pkgs: lib: self: super:
### Deprecated aliases - for backward compatibility
### !!! NOTE !!!
### Use `./remove-attr.py [attrname]` in this directory to remove your alias
### from the `nodePackages` set without regenerating the entire file.
with self;
# Removing recurseForDerivation prevents derivations of aliased attribute
# set to appear while listing all the packages available.
removeRecurseForDerivations = alias: with lib;
if alias.recurseForDerivations or false
then removeAttrs alias ["recurseForDerivations"]
else alias;
# Disabling distribution prevents top-level aliases for non-recursed package
# sets from building on Hydra.
removeDistribute = alias: with lib;
if isDerivation alias then
dontDistribute alias
else alias;
# Make sure that we are not shadowing something from node-packages.nix.
checkInPkgs = n: alias:
if builtins.hasAttr n super
then throw "Alias ${n} is still in node-packages.nix"
else alias;
mapAliases = aliases:
lib.mapAttrs (n: alias:
(checkInPkgs n alias)))
mapAliases {
"@antora/cli" = pkgs.antora; # Added 2023-05-06
"@bitwarden/cli" = pkgs.bitwarden-cli; # added 2023-07-25
"@githubnext/github-copilot-cli" = pkgs.github-copilot-cli; # Added 2023-05-02
"@google/clasp" = pkgs.google-clasp; # Added 2023-05-07
"@nestjs/cli" = pkgs.nest-cli; # Added 2023-05-06
antennas = pkgs.antennas; # added 2023-07-30
balanceofsatoshis = pkgs.balanceofsatoshis; # added 2023-07-31
bibtex-tidy = pkgs.bibtex-tidy; # added 2023-07-30
bitwarden-cli = pkgs.bitwarden-cli; # added 2023-07-25
castnow = pkgs.castnow; # added 2023-07-30
eslint_d = pkgs.eslint_d; # Added 2023-05-26
flood = pkgs.flood; # Added 2023-07-25
gtop = pkgs.gtop; # added 2023-07-31
hueadm = pkgs.hueadm; # added 2023-07-31
karma = pkgs.karma-runner; # added 2023-07-29
manta = pkgs.node-manta; # Added 2023-05-06
markdownlint-cli = pkgs.markdownlint-cli; # added 2023-07-29
readability-cli = pkgs.readability-cli; # Added 2023-06-12
reveal-md = pkgs.reveal-md; # added 2023-07-31
thelounge = pkgs.thelounge; # Added 2023-05-22
triton = pkgs.triton; # Added 2023-05-06
typescript = pkgs.typescript; # Added 2023-06-21
vscode-langservers-extracted = pkgs.vscode-langservers-extracted; # Added 2023-05-27
zx = pkgs.zx; # added 2023-08-01