600 lines
17 KiB
600 lines
17 KiB
{ lib
, stdenv
, callPackage
, overrideCC
, wrapCCWith
, wrapBintoolsWith
, runCommand
, lit
, glibc
, spirv-llvm-translator
, xz
, swig
, lua5_3
, gtest
, hip
, rocm-comgr
, vulkan-loader
, vulkan-headers
, glslang
, shaderc
, perl
, rocm-device-libs
, rocm-runtime
, elfutils
, python3Packages
# Stage 1
# Base
llvm = callPackage ./llvm.nix { };
# Projects
clang-unwrapped = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
targetName = "clang";
targetDir = targetName;
extraBuildInputs = [ llvm ];
extraCMakeFlags = [
extraPostPatch = ''
# Looks like they forgot to add finding libedit to the standalone build
ln -s ../cmake/Modules/FindLibEdit.cmake cmake/modules
substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "include(CheckIncludeFile)" "include(CheckIncludeFile)''\nfind_package(LibEdit)"
# `No such file or directory: '/build/source/clang/tools/scan-build/bin/scan-build'`
rm test/Analysis/scan-build/*.test
rm test/Analysis/scan-build/rebuild_index/rebuild_index.test
# `does not depend on a module exporting 'baz.h'`
rm test/Modules/header-attribs.cpp
# `fatal error: 'stdio.h' file not found`
rm test/OpenMP/amdgcn_emit_llvm.c
extraPostInstall = ''
mv bin/clang-tblgen $out/bin
lld = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "lld";
targetDir = targetName;
extraBuildInputs = [ llvm ];
extraCMakeFlags = [ "-DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0116=NEW" ];
checkTargets = [ "check-lld" ];
# Runtimes
runtimes = callPackage ./llvm.nix {
buildDocs = false;
buildMan = false;
buildTests = false;
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [
# "libc" https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/57719
extraBuildInputs = [ llvm ];
extraCMakeFlags = [
extraLicenses = [ lib.licenses.mit ];
# Stage 2
# Helpers
rStdenv = overrideCC stdenv (wrapCCWith rec {
inherit bintools;
libcxx = runtimes;
cc = clang-unwrapped;
extraPackages = [
nixSupport.cc-cflags = [
extraBuildCommands = ''
clang_version=`${cc}/bin/clang -v 2>&1 | grep "clang version " | grep -E -o "[0-9.-]+"`
mkdir -p $out/resource-root
ln -s ${cc}/lib/clang/$clang_version/include $out/resource-root
ln -s ${runtimes}/lib $out/resource-root
bintools = wrapBintoolsWith { bintools = bintools-unwrapped; };
bintools-unwrapped = runCommand "rocm-llvm-binutils-${llvm.version}" { preferLocalBuild = true; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
for prog in ${lld}/bin/*; do
ln -s $prog $out/bin/$(basename $prog)
for prog in ${llvm}/bin/*; do
ln -sf $prog $out/bin/$(basename $prog)
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-ar $out/bin/ar
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-as $out/bin/as
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-dwp $out/bin/dwp
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-nm $out/bin/nm
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-objcopy $out/bin/objcopy
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-objdump $out/bin/objdump
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-ranlib $out/bin/ranlib
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-readelf $out/bin/readelf
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-size $out/bin/size
ln -s ${llvm}/bin/llvm-strip $out/bin/strip
ln -s ${lld}/bin/lld $out/bin/ld
in rec {
# Runtimes
libc = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rStdenv;
targetName = "libc";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [ targetName ];
isBroken = true; # https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/57719
libunwind = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rStdenv;
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "libunwind";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [ targetName ];
extraCMakeFlags = [
libcxxabi = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rStdenv;
buildDocs = false; # No documentation to build
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "libcxxabi";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
# Workaround having to build combined
libcxx = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rStdenv;
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "libcxx";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
# Workaround having to build combined
# Most of these can't find `bash` or `mkdir`, might just be hard-coded paths, or PATH is altered
extraPostPatch = ''
chmod +w -R ../libcxx/test/{libcxx,std}
rm -rf ../libcxx/test/libcxx/input.output/filesystems
rm ../libcxx/test/libcxx/selftest/remote-substitutions.sh.cpp
rm ../libcxx/test/std/input.output/file.streams/fstreams/filebuf.virtuals/pbackfail.pass.cpp
rm ../libcxx/test/std/localization/locales/locale.convenience/conversions/conversions.buffer/pbackfail.pass.cpp
rm ../libcxx/test/std/utilities/optional/optional.object/optional.object.assign/emplace_initializer_list.pass.cpp
rm ../libcxx/test/std/utilities/optional/optional.object/optional.object.assign/nullopt_t.pass.cpp
rm -rf ../libcxx/test/std/utilities/optional/optional.object/optional.object.ctor
rm -rf ../libcxx/test/std/input.output/filesystems/{class.directory_entry,class.directory_iterator,class.rec.dir.itr,fs.op.funcs}
compiler-rt = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rStdenv;
buildDocs = false; # No documentation to build
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "compiler-rt";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
"-DCOMPILER_RT_CAN_EXECUTE_TESTS=OFF" # We can't run most of these
# Workaround having to build combined
extraPostPatch = ''
# `No such file or directory: 'ldd'`
substituteInPlace ../compiler-rt/test/lit.common.cfg.py \
--replace "'ldd'," "'${glibc.bin}/bin/ldd',"
# We can run these
substituteInPlace ../compiler-rt/test/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "endfunction()" "endfunction()''\nadd_subdirectory(builtins)''\nadd_subdirectory(shadowcallstack)"
extraLicenses = [ lib.licenses.mit ];
# Stage 3
# Helpers
rocmClangStdenv = overrideCC stdenv clang;
clang = wrapCCWith rec {
# inherit libc libcxx bintools;
inherit libcxx bintools;
# We do this to avoid HIP pathing problems, and mimic a monolithic install
cc = stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
inherit (clang-unwrapped) pname version;
dontUnpack = true;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
clang_version=`${clang-unwrapped}/bin/clang -v 2>&1 | grep "clang version " | grep -E -o "[0-9.-]+"`
mkdir -p $out/{bin,include/c++/v1,lib/{cmake,clang/$clang_version/{include,lib}},libexec,share}
for path in ${llvm} ${clang-unwrapped} ${lld} ${libunwind} ${libcxxabi} ${libcxx} ${compiler-rt}; do
cp -as $path/* $out
chmod +w $out/{*,include/c++/v1,lib/{clang/$clang_version/include,cmake}}
rm -f $out/lib/libc++.so
ln -s $out/lib/* $out/lib/clang/$clang_version/lib
ln -s $out/include/* $out/lib/clang/$clang_version/include
runHook postInstall
passthru.isClang = true;
extraPackages = [
nixSupport.cc-cflags = [
extraBuildCommands = ''
clang_version=`${cc}/bin/clang -v 2>&1 | grep "clang version " | grep -E -o "[0-9.-]+"`
mkdir -p $out/resource-root
ln -s ${cc}/lib/clang/$clang_version/{include,lib} $out/resource-root
# Not sure why, but hardening seems to make things break
rm $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
touch $out/nix-support/add-hardening.sh
# GPU compilation uses builtin `lld`
substituteInPlace $out/bin/{clang,clang++} \
--replace "-MM) dontLink=1 ;;" "-MM | --cuda-device-only) dontLink=1 ;;''\n--cuda-host-only | --cuda-compile-host-device) dontLink=0 ;;"
# Base
# Unfortunately, we cannot build `clang-tools-extra` separately.
clang-tools-extra = callPackage ./llvm.nix {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildTests = false; # `invalid operands to binary expression ('std::basic_stringstream<char>' and 'const llvm::StringRef')`
targetName = "clang-tools-extra";
targetProjects = [
extraBuildInputs = [ gtest ];
extraCMakeFlags = [
extraPostInstall = ''
# Remove LLVM and Clang
for path in `find ${llvm} ${clang-unwrapped}`; do
if [ $path != ${llvm} ] && [ $path != ${clang-unwrapped} ]; then
rm -f $out''${path#${llvm}} $out''${path#${clang-unwrapped}} || true
# Cleanup empty directories
find $out -type d -empty -delete
# Projects
libclc = let
spirv = (spirv-llvm-translator.override { inherit llvm; });
in callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildDocs = false; # No documentation to build
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "libclc";
targetDir = targetName;
extraBuildInputs = [ spirv ];
# `spirv-mesa3d` isn't compiling with LLVM 15.0.0, it does with LLVM 14.0.0
# Try removing the `spirv-mesa3d` and `clspv` patches next update
# `clspv` tests fail, unresolved calls
extraPostPatch = ''
substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "find_program( LLVM_CLANG clang PATHS \''${LLVM_BINDIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH )" \
"find_program( LLVM_CLANG clang PATHS \"${clang}/bin\" NO_DEFAULT_PATH )" \
--replace "find_program( LLVM_SPIRV llvm-spirv PATHS \''${LLVM_BINDIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH )" \
"find_program( LLVM_SPIRV llvm-spirv PATHS \"${spirv}/bin\" NO_DEFAULT_PATH )" \
--replace " spirv-mesa3d-" "" \
--replace " spirv64-mesa3d-" "" \
--replace "NOT \''${t} MATCHES" \
"NOT \''${ARCH} STREQUAL \"clspv\" AND NOT \''${ARCH} STREQUAL \"clspv64\" AND NOT \''${t} MATCHES"
checkTargets = [ ];
lldb = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildTests = false; # ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lllvm_gtest_main
targetName = "lldb";
targetDir = targetName;
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ python3Packages.sphinx-automodapi ];
extraBuildInputs = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
mlir = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildDocs = false; # No decent way to hack this to work
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
targetName = "mlir";
targetDir = targetName;
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ hip ];
extraBuildInputs = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
"-DROCM_TEST_CHIPSET=gfx000" # CPU runner
extraPostPatch = ''
chmod +w ../llvm
mkdir -p ../llvm/build/bin
ln -s ${lit}/bin/lit ../llvm/build/bin/llvm-lit
substituteInPlace test/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "FileCheck count not" "" \
--replace "list(APPEND MLIR_TEST_DEPENDS mlir_rocm_runtime)" ""
substituteInPlace lib/ExecutionEngine/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "return()" ""
# Remove problematic tests
rm test/CAPI/execution_engine.c
rm test/Target/LLVMIR/llvmir-intrinsics.mlir
rm test/Target/LLVMIR/llvmir.mlir
rm test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-llvm.mlir
rm test/mlir-cpu-runner/*.mlir
rm test/mlir-vulkan-runner/*.mlir
extraPostInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mv bin/mlir-tblgen $out/bin
checkTargets = [ "check-${targetName}" ];
polly = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
targetName = "polly";
targetDir = targetName;
checkTargets = [ "check-${targetName}" ];
flang = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildTests = false; # `Executable "flang1" doesn't exist!`
targetName = "flang";
targetDir = targetName;
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ python3Packages.sphinx-markdown-tables ];
extraBuildInputs = [ mlir ];
extraCMakeFlags = [
extraPostPatch = ''
substituteInPlace test/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "FileCheck" "" \
--replace "count" "" \
--replace "not" ""
substituteInPlace docs/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "CLANG_TABLEGEN_EXE clang-tblgen" "CLANG_TABLEGEN_EXE ${clang-unwrapped}/bin/clang-tblgen"
openmp = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildTests = false; # Too many failures, most pass
targetName = "openmp";
targetDir = targetName;
extraPatches = [ ./0000-fix-openmp.patch ];
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ perl ];
extraBuildInputs = [
extraCMakeFlags = [
"-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/build/source/llvm/cmake/modules" # For docs
extraPostPatch = ''
# We can't build this target at the moment
substituteInPlace libomptarget/DeviceRTL/CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "gfx1010" ""
checkTargets = [ "check-${targetName}" ];
extraLicenses = [ lib.licenses.mit ];
# Runtimes
pstl = callPackage ./llvm.nix rec {
stdenv = rocmClangStdenv;
buildDocs = false; # No documentation to build
buildMan = false; # No man pages to build
buildTests = false; # Too many errors
targetName = "pstl";
targetDir = "runtimes";
targetRuntimes = [ targetName ];
checkTargets = [ "check-${targetName}" ];