Luke Granger-Brown be71055ea1 twitterchiver/viewer: restrict viewing to on_timeline tweets
We want to only display tweets in the search view that was in timeline, but
we do store entries in user_accounts_tweets for ACL purposes for replies/quote tweets.
2020-10-18 21:07:55 +01:00

419 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Luke Granger-Brown <>
// SPDX-License-IDentifier: Apache-2.0
package main
import (
var (
databaseURL = flag.String("database_url", "", "Database URL")
userMapping = userMap{}
localDisableAuth = flag.String("local_auth_override_user", "", "Disable authn/authz - used for dev - set to username")
indexTmpl = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/index.html"))
tweetsTmpl = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/tweets.html"))
func init() {
flag.Var(userMapping, "user_to_twitter", "Space-separated list of <username>:<comma-separated Twitter usernames>")
type userMap map[string][]string
func (um userMap) String() string {
var bits []string
for u, ts := range um {
ts2 := make([]string, len(ts))
copy(ts2, ts)
bits = append(bits, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", u, strings.Join(ts2, ",")))
return strings.Join(bits, " ")
func (um userMap) Set(v string) error {
bits := strings.Split(v, " ")
for _, b := range bits {
utsPair := strings.Split(b, ":")
if len(utsPair) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("%v is not a <username>:<comma-separated twitter usernames> string", b)
u := utsPair[0]
ts := utsPair[1]
um[u] = append(um[u], strings.Split(ts, ",")...)
return nil
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
pool, err := pgxpool.Connect(ctx, *databaseURL)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("pgxpool.Connect: %v", err)
defer pool.Close()
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/healthz", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "ok")
var authR *mux.Router
if *localDisableAuth != "" {
authR = r
} else {
authR, err = openshiftauth.NewRouter(r)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("openshiftauth.NewRouter: %v", err)
userFromContext := func(ctx context.Context) string {
if *localDisableAuth != "" {
return *localDisableAuth
return openshiftauth.UserFromContext(ctx).Metadata.Name
writeError := func(rw http.ResponseWriter, status int, wrap string, err error) {
log.Printf("Error in HTTP handler: %v: %v", wrap, err)
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<h1>Oops. Something went wrong.</h1>")
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "<p>%s</p>", wrap)
authR.HandleFunc("/", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
user := userFromContext(ctx)
twitterAccounts := userMapping[user]
rows, err := pool.Query(ctx, "SELECT ua.username, COUNT(uat.tweetid) tweet_count, (SELECT CAST(object->>'created_at' AS timestamp with time zone) FROM tweets WHERE id=MAX(uat.tweetid)) latest_tweet FROM user_accounts ua LEFT JOIN user_accounts_tweets uat ON uat.userid=ua.userid WHERE ua.username = ANY($1::text[]) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1", twitterAccounts)
if err != nil {
writeError(rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, "querying database", err)
defer rows.Close()
type twitterData struct {
Username string
TweetCount int
LatestTweet time.Time
var tds []twitterData
for rows.Next() {
var td twitterData
if err := rows.Scan(&td.Username, &td.TweetCount, &td.LatestTweet); err != nil {
writeError(rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, "reading from database", err)
tds = append(tds, td)
indexTmpl.Execute(rw, struct {
Username string
TwitterAccounts []twitterData
Username: user,
TwitterAccounts: tds,
isAllowedToSee := func(ctx context.Context, twitterUser string) bool {
twitterAccounts := userMapping[userFromContext(ctx)]
for _, a := range twitterAccounts {
if a == twitterUser {
return true
return false
toInt := func(s string, def int) int {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return def
return int(n)
clamp := func(min, n, max int) int {
if n < min {
return min
} else if n > max {
return max
return n
authR.HandleFunc("/view/{twitterUser}", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
vars := mux.Vars(r)
twitterUser := vars["twitterUser"]
if !isAllowedToSee(ctx, twitterUser) {
writeError(rw, http.StatusNotFound, "no such twitter user being archived", fmt.Errorf("user %q attempted to access %q", userFromContext(ctx), twitterUser))
q := r.URL.Query()
pageSize := clamp(1, toInt(q.Get("page_size"), 20), 200)
startFrom := toInt(q.Get("start_from"), 0)
query := q.Get("q")
rows, err := pool.Query(ctx, `
CAST(COALESCE(t.object->'retweeted_status'->>'created_at', t.object->>'created_at') AS timestamp with time zone) created_at
user_accounts_tweets uat
user_accounts ua ON ua.userid=uat.userid
INNER JOIN tweets t ON
AND ua.username=$1
AND uat.on_timeline
AND ($3::bigint=0 OR <= $3::bigint)
AND ($4='' OR ($4<>'' AND (to_tsvector('english', text) @@ to_tsquery('english', $4) OR to_tsvector('english', object->'retweeted_status'->>'full_text') @@ to_tsquery('english', $4) OR object->'user'->>'screen_name'=$4)))
`, twitterUser, pageSize+1, startFrom, query)
if err != nil {
writeError(rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, "querying database", err)
defer rows.Close()
type tweet struct {
ID int64
Text string
CreatedAt time.Time
CreatedAtFriendly string
Object interface{}
type twitterData struct {
TwitterUsername string
Query string
Tweets []tweet
NextTweetID *int64
FormatTweetText func(string, interface{}) safehtml.HTML
pullIndices := func(m map[string]interface{}) [2]int {
midx := m["indices"].([]interface{})
midx0 := int(midx[0].(float64))
midx1 := int(midx[1].(float64))
return [2]int{midx0, midx1}
td := twitterData{
TwitterUsername: twitterUser,
Query: query,
FormatTweetText: func(t string, tw interface{}) safehtml.HTML {
ltRep := string([]rune{0xe000})
gtRep := string([]rune{0xe001})
t = strings.ReplaceAll(t, "<", ltRep)
t = strings.ReplaceAll(t, ">", gtRep)
type span struct {
span [2]int
whatDo string // remove, link
linkTo string // link only
linkText string // link only
// Delete native media and add links.
var spans []span
obj := tw.(map[string]interface{})
if ee, ok := obj["extended_entities"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
ems := ee["media"].([]interface{})
for _, emi := range ems {
em := emi.(map[string]interface{})
spans = append(spans, span{
span: pullIndices(em),
whatDo: "remove",
if es, ok := obj["entities"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if hts, ok := es["hashtags"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, hti := range hts {
ht := hti.(map[string]interface{})
htt := ht["text"].(string)
spans = append(spans, span{
span: pullIndices(ht),
whatDo: "link",
linkTo: fmt.Sprintf("", htt),
if urls, ok := es["urls"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, urli := range urls {
url := urli.(map[string]interface{})
urldisp := url["display_url"].(string)
urlexp := url["expanded_url"].(string)
spans = append(spans, span{
span: pullIndices(url),
whatDo: "link",
linkTo: urlexp,
linkText: urldisp,
if mentions, ok := es["user_mentions"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, mentioni := range mentions {
mention := mentioni.(map[string]interface{})
mentionuser := mention["screen_name"].(string)
spans = append(spans, span{
span: pullIndices(mention),
whatDo: "link",
linkTo: fmt.Sprintf("", mentionuser),
if symbols, ok := es["symbols"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, symboli := range symbols {
symbol := symboli.(map[string]interface{})
symbolname := symbol["text"].(string)
spans = append(spans, span{
span: pullIndices(symbol),
whatDo: "link",
linkTo: fmt.Sprintf("?q=$%s", symbolname),
// Sort removeSpans from the end to the beginning.
sort.Slice(spans, func(a, b int) bool {
return spans[a].span[0] > spans[b].span[0]
// Expand overlapping remove spans.
newSpans := make([]span, 0, len(spans))
for i := 0; i < len(spans)-1; i++ {
span := spans[i]
prevSpan := spans[i+1]
if prevSpan.span[0] <= span.span[0] && prevSpan.span[1] >= span.span[1] {
// Spans overlap.
if span.whatDo != "remove" || prevSpan.whatDo != "remove" {
log.Printf("found overlapping non-remove spans!")
if span.span[1] > prevSpan.span[1] {
prevSpan.span[1] = span.span[1]
newSpans = append(newSpans, span)
if len(spans) > 0 {
newSpans = append(newSpans, spans[len(spans)-1])
spans = newSpans
runed := []rune(t)
for _, span := range spans {
switch span.whatDo {
case "remove":
// Delete text from span[0] to span[1].
runed = append(runed[:span.span[0]], runed[span.span[1]:]...)
case "link":
// Add a link.
var text []rune
if span.linkText == "" {
text = runed[span.span[0]:span.span[1]]
} else {
text = []rune(span.linkText)
runedBits := [][]rune{
[]rune("<a href=\""),
finalLen := 0
for _, s := range runedBits {
finalLen += len(s)
runed = make([]rune, finalLen)
p := 0
for _, s := range runedBits {
p += copy(runed[p:], s)
log.Printf("unknown span operation %v", span.whatDo)
t = string(runed)
// HTML escape any <>
t = strings.ReplaceAll(t, ltRep, "&lt;")
t = strings.ReplaceAll(t, gtRep, "&gt;")
return uncheckedconversions.HTMLFromStringKnownToSatisfyTypeContract(t)
now := time.Now()
for rows.Next() {
var t tweet
var o pgtype.JSONB
if err := rows.Scan(&t.ID, &t.Text, &o, &t.CreatedAt); err != nil {
writeError(rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, "reading from database", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(o.Bytes, &t.Object); err != nil {
writeError(rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, "parsing JSON from database", err)
ago := now.Sub(t.CreatedAt)
switch {
case t.CreatedAt.Year() != now.Year():
t.CreatedAtFriendly = t.CreatedAt.Format("Jan 2, 2006")
case t.CreatedAt.YearDay() != now.YearDay():
t.CreatedAtFriendly = t.CreatedAt.Format("Jan 2")
case ago.Hours() >= 1.0:
t.CreatedAtFriendly = fmt.Sprintf("%dh", int(ago.Hours()))
case ago.Minutes() >= 1.0:
t.CreatedAtFriendly = fmt.Sprintf("%dm", int(ago.Minutes()))
case ago.Seconds() >= 0.0:
t.CreatedAtFriendly = fmt.Sprintf("%ds", int(ago.Seconds()))
t.CreatedAtFriendly = fmt.Sprintf("in %ds", -int(ago.Seconds()))
td.Tweets = append(td.Tweets, t)
if len(td.Tweets) > pageSize {
td.NextTweetID = &td.Tweets[pageSize].ID
td.Tweets = td.Tweets[:pageSize]
if err := tweetsTmpl.Execute(rw, td); err != nil {
log.Printf("tweets: executing template: %v", err)
log.Printf("now listening on :8080")
log.Print(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))