243 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable file
243 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ mypy attrs packaging rich ])
# This script downloads Home Assistant's source tarball.
# Inside the homeassistant/components directory, each integration has an associated manifest.json,
# specifying required packages and other integrations it depends on:
# {
# "requirements": [ "package==1.2.3" ],
# "dependencies": [ "component" ]
# }
# By parsing the files, a dictionary mapping integrations to requirements and dependencies is created.
# For all of these requirements and the dependencies' requirements,
# nixpkgs' python3Packages are searched for appropriate names.
# Then, a Nix attribute set mapping integration name to dependencies is created.
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
from functools import reduce
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, Any
from urllib.request import urlopen
from packaging import version as Version
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
COMPONENT_PREFIX = "homeassistant.components"
PKG_SET = "home-assistant.python.pkgs"
# If some requirements are matched by multiple Python packages,
# the following can be used to choose one of them
# Use python3Packages.youtube-dl-light instead of python3Packages.youtube-dl
"youtube-dl": "youtube-dl-light",
"tensorflow-bin": "tensorflow",
"tensorflow-bin_2": "tensorflow",
"tensorflowWithoutCuda": "tensorflow",
"tensorflow-build_2": "tensorflow",
"whois": "python-whois",
def run_mypy() -> None:
cmd = ["mypy", "--ignore-missing-imports", __file__]
print(f"$ {' '.join(cmd)}")
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
def get_version():
with open(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/default.nix") as f:
# A version consists of digits, dots, and possibly a "b" (for beta)
m = re.search('hassVersion = "([\\d\\.b]+)";', f.read())
return m.group(1)
def parse_components(version: str = "master"):
components = {}
components_with_tests = []
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
with urlopen(
) as response:
# Use part of a script from the Home Assistant codebase
core_path = os.path.join(tmp, f"core-{version}")
for entry in os.scandir(os.path.join(core_path, "tests/components")):
if entry.is_dir():
from script.hassfest.model import Integration
integrations = Integration.load_dir(
os.path.join(core_path, "homeassistant/components")
for domain in sorted(integrations):
integration = integrations[domain]
if not integration.disabled:
components[domain] = integration.manifest
return components, components_with_tests
# Recursively get the requirements of a component and its dependencies
def get_reqs(components: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], component: str, processed: Set[str]) -> Set[str]:
requirements = set(components[component].get("requirements", []))
deps = components[component].get("dependencies", [])
deps.extend(components[component].get("after_dependencies", []))
for dependency in deps:
if dependency not in processed:
requirements.update(get_reqs(components, dependency, processed))
return requirements
def dump_packages() -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
# Store a JSON dump of Nixpkgs' python3Packages
output = subprocess.check_output(
os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/../../..",
"--arg", "config", "{ allowAliases = false; }",
return json.loads(output)
def name_to_attr_path(req: str, packages: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> Optional[str]:
attr_paths = set()
names = [req]
# E.g. python-mpd2 is actually called python3.6-mpd2
# instead of python-3.6-python-mpd2 inside Nixpkgs
if req.startswith("python-") or req.startswith("python_"):
names.append(req[len("python-") :])
# Add name variant without extra_require, e.g. samsungctl
# instead of samsungctl[websocket]
if req.endswith("]"):
for name in names:
# treat "-" and "_" equally
name = re.sub("[-_]", "[-_]", name)
# python(minor).(major)-(pname)-(version or unstable-date)
# we need the version qualifier, or we'll have multiple matches
# (e.g. pyserial and pyserial-asyncio when looking for pyserial)
pattern = re.compile("^python\\d\\.\\d-{}-(?:\\d|unstable-.*)".format(name), re.I)
for attr_path, package in packages.items():
if pattern.match(package["name"]):
if len(attr_paths) > 1:
for to_replace, replacement in PKG_PREFERENCES.items():
attr_paths.remove(PKG_SET + "." + to_replace)
attr_paths.add(PKG_SET + "." + replacement)
except KeyError:
# Let's hope there's only one derivation with a matching name
assert len(attr_paths) <= 1, "{} matches more than one derivation: {}".format(
req, attr_paths
if len(attr_paths) == 1:
return attr_paths.pop()
return None
def get_pkg_version(package: str, packages: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> Optional[str]:
pkg = packages.get(f"{PKG_SET}.{package}", None)
if not pkg:
return None
return pkg["version"]
def main() -> None:
packages = dump_packages()
version = get_version()
print("Generating component-packages.nix for version {}".format(version))
components, components_with_tests = parse_components(version=version)
build_inputs = {}
outdated = {}
for component in sorted(components.keys()):
attr_paths = []
missing_reqs = []
reqs = sorted(get_reqs(components, component, set()))
for req in reqs:
# Some requirements are specified by url, e.g. https://example.org/foobar#xyz==1.0.0
# Therefore, if there's a "#" in the line, only take the part after it
req = req[req.find("#") + 1 :]
name, required_version = req.split("==", maxsplit=1)
attr_path = name_to_attr_path(name, packages)
if our_version := get_pkg_version(name, packages):
if Version.parse(our_version) < Version.parse(required_version):
outdated[name] = {
'wanted': required_version,
'current': our_version
if attr_path is not None:
# Add attribute path without "python3Packages." prefix
attr_paths.append(attr_path[len(PKG_SET + ".") :])
build_inputs[component] = (attr_paths, missing_reqs)
with open(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/component-packages.nix", "w") as f:
f.write("# Generated by parse-requirements.py\n")
f.write("# Do not edit!\n\n")
f.write(f' version = "{version}";\n')
f.write(" components = {\n")
for component, deps in build_inputs.items():
available, missing = deps
f.write(f' "{component}" = ps: with ps; [')
if available:
f.write(" " + " ".join(available))
f.write(" ];")
if len(missing) > 0:
f.write(f" # missing inputs: {' '.join(missing)}")
f.write(" };\n")
f.write(" # components listed in tests/components for which all dependencies are packaged\n")
f.write(" supportedComponentsWithTests = [\n")
for component, deps in build_inputs.items():
available, missing = deps
if len(missing) == 0 and component in components_with_tests:
f.write(f' "{component}"' + "\n")
f.write(" ];\n")
supported_components = reduce(lambda n, c: n + (build_inputs[c][1] == []),
components.keys(), 0)
total_components = len(components)
print(f"{supported_components} / {total_components} components supported, "
f"i.e. {supported_components / total_components:.2%}")
if outdated:
table = Table(title="Outdated dependencies")
for package, version in sorted(outdated.items()):
table.add_row(package, version['current'], version['wanted'])
console = Console()
if __name__ == "__main__":