git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs git-subtree-split: 76612b17c0ce71689921ca12d9ffdc9c23ce40b2
149 lines
4.3 KiB
149 lines
4.3 KiB
# This needs to be run in a NixOS test, because Hydra cannot do IFD.
pkgs = import ../../.. { };
inherit (pkgs)
inherit (pkgs.lib) escapeShellArg;
mkCheckOutput =
name: test: output:
runCommand name { } ''
actualOutput="$(${escapeShellArg "${test}/bin/test"})"
if [ "$(${escapeShellArg "${test}/bin/test"})" != ${escapeShellArg output} ]; then
echo >&2 "mismatched output: expected \""${escapeShellArg output}"\", got \"$actualOutput\""
exit 1
touch "$out"
oldDependency = writeShellScriptBin "dependency" ''
echo "got old dependency"
oldDependency-ca = oldDependency.overrideAttrs { __contentAddressed = true; };
newDependency = writeShellScriptBin "dependency" ''
echo "got new dependency"
newDependency-ca = newDependency.overrideAttrs { __contentAddressed = true; };
basic = writeShellScriptBin "test" ''
basic-ca = writeShellScriptBin "test" ''
transitive = writeShellScriptBin "test" ''
weirdDependency = writeShellScriptBin "dependency" ''
echo "got weird dependency"
oldDependency1 = writeShellScriptBin "dependency1" ''
echo "got old dependency 1"
newDependency1 = writeShellScriptBin "dependency1" ''
echo "got new dependency 1"
oldDependency2 = writeShellScriptBin "dependency2" ''
echo "got old dependency 2"
newDependency2 = writeShellScriptBin "dependency2" ''
echo "got new dependency 2"
deep = writeShellScriptBin "test" ''
replacedependency-basic = mkCheckOutput "replacedependency-basic" (replaceDependency {
drv = basic;
inherit oldDependency newDependency;
}) "got new dependency";
replacedependency-basic-old-ca = mkCheckOutput "replacedependency-basic" (replaceDependency {
drv = basic-ca;
oldDependency = oldDependency-ca;
inherit newDependency;
}) "got new dependency";
replacedependency-basic-new-ca = mkCheckOutput "replacedependency-basic" (replaceDependency {
drv = basic;
inherit oldDependency;
newDependency = newDependency-ca;
}) "got new dependency";
replacedependency-transitive = mkCheckOutput "replacedependency-transitive" (replaceDependency {
drv = transitive;
inherit oldDependency newDependency;
}) "got new dependency";
replacedependency-weird =
mkCheckOutput "replacedependency-weird"
(replaceDependency {
drv = basic;
inherit oldDependency;
newDependency = weirdDependency;
got weird dependency
got old dependency'';
replacedependencies-precedence = mkCheckOutput "replacedependencies-precedence" (replaceDependencies
drv = basic;
replacements = [ { inherit oldDependency newDependency; } ];
cutoffPackages = [ oldDependency ];
) "got new dependency";
replacedependencies-self = mkCheckOutput "replacedependencies-self" (replaceDependencies {
drv = basic;
replacements = [
inherit oldDependency;
newDependency = oldDependency;
}) "got old dependency";
replacedependencies-deep-order1 =
mkCheckOutput "replacedependencies-deep-order1"
(replaceDependencies {
drv = deep;
replacements = [
oldDependency = oldDependency1;
newDependency = newDependency1;
oldDependency = oldDependency2;
newDependency = newDependency2;
got new dependency 1
got new dependency 2'';
replacedependencies-deep-order2 =
mkCheckOutput "replacedependencies-deep-order2"
(replaceDependencies {
drv = deep;
replacements = [
oldDependency = oldDependency2;
newDependency = newDependency2;
oldDependency = oldDependency1;
newDependency = newDependency1;
got new dependency 1
got new dependency 2'';